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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

As a faculty member at App State, I cringe every time this comes up for discussion, let alone formal study. Moving from FCS to FBS seems like a bad idea on so many levels. At present, our athletic program, including football, makes a real contribution to the academic mission of the university. Student-athletes (at least the vast majority) are serious about their classes, etc, etc. I'm not confident that would be maintained if we went "big time."

As an App State football fan, I think it is a bad idea. We, along with Montana, are the premiere program in FCS. Why would we trade that for being, at best, a middle of the pack FBS program? One major barrier is that I'm not sure how we could endow the 22 additional scholarships without cannibalizing other athletic programs. I know we could not afford it at present.

As a resident of Boone, I also worry about the additional traffic in our small mountain town. App State's stadium is exceptionally nice, but it is far more difficult getting to and from a game here than it is getting to and from the Shoe.

All that said, the word on the street here is that we would not move up unless we were already assured of a conference invitation. And we would not accept the Sun Belch. Rumor is C-USA is on the table. Second rumor is there is a second potential invitation that will surprise us all.
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I tend to agree that you are pretty much looking at being a mid major which doesn't seem that appealing in the current format when your consistently competing for FCS titles. I think you'd easily be able to make up your money in terms of affording the additional schollies though. Scheduling more top tier payout games (Like Michigan LOL), bowl money etc.

Of course The Big East could use some good football programs lol.
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JBaney45;1782911; said:
I tend to agree that you are pretty much looking at being a mid major which doesn't seem that appealing in the current format when your consistently competing for FCS titles. I think you'd easily be able to make up your money in terms of affording the additional schollies though. Scheduling more top tier payout games (Like Michigan LOL), bowl money etc.

Of course The Big East could use some good football programs lol.

I'm hearing a bit more chatter about the Big East, but don't know if it is anything more than speculation.

Regarding the money, it's not the annual cost of 22 additional scholarships that is the problem. Rather, in order to guarantee sustainability you've got to endow those scholarships, which means raising at least 10 times the annual cost.

Another factor in all this. Apparently there are a slew of top FCS programs that are contemplating the move up. They include, at least, Montana, Villanova, James Madison, Georgia Southern, and a few others. If several of them move, App State may have no choice but to go along.
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I personally hope APSU never moves up.

I don't ever want to hear some mealy mouthed, arrogant, key shaking, excuse spewing twat from up north be able to try and diminish the embarrassment of that loss because APSU becomes a mid major.

Just to go ahead and get it out of the way because we know our friends from up north so well;

APSU may one day be a mid major FBS team that can beat anyone on any given day. However, when they went into the pig house and beat a top 5 ranked scUM team they were a 1AA/FCS team. Period.

Lipstick cannot be applied to that pig.


You arrogant, overrated fuck's lost to a 1-AA team.

At home.

And I still giggle my motherfucking ass off when I think about it.

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