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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

WolverineMike;1892875; said:
i always think the final score will be different when I duck my head in here. shoot

Yeah, but TSUN tackles the guy just before the 5-yard line, so the final score doesn't get any worse. :biggrin:
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2011 NFL draft, players taken from each school as noted on NFLN:

Appy State 3

The gift that keeps on giving. :lol:
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I'm not sure why Barringer is self-inflicting wounds, but many seem pretty interested in joining him.

RE: Worst Michigan Memory?

So to recap, in one decade they had:
9 losses to OSU, with most including all-time legendary plays or consequences

3 game active losing streak after Hart calls MSU little brother

Spartan Bob Clock Gate

Crable being the goat 5 times (OSU 05, OSU 06 Beanie TD, OSU 06 Troy hit, App St 07, OSU 07 Beanie TD)

Toledo :slappy:

USC destroying them twice

A 2-6 bowl record since 02...

...Jason Witten still running through their secondary

Getting absolutely blown out by almost every quality team RR faced

Tyler Ecker running out of bounds :rofl:

105 pts scored in '00 matchup vs NW

Gut wrenching loss to Texas in Rose Bowl
Keep your chins up Buckeye fans. This may be a brutal offseason, but it's a decade long feeling for Wolverines :lol:
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