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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

Beaver;1935816; said:
I'm not sure why Barringer is self-inflicting wounds, but many seem pretty interested in joining him.

RE: Worst Michigan Memory?

So to recap, in one decade they had:
Keep your chins up Buckeye fans. This may be a brutal offseason, but it's a decade long feeling for Wolverines :lol:

Yeah, "Worst Michigan Memory?" is a gigantic pity party.

Anyhow they're forgetting the RR's greatest embarassments:
-The WVU Lawsuit
-Rumors of marital infidelity
-Giving the #1 (receiver) jersey to a defensive player
-Comparing the OSU game to WVU-Pitt, saying WVU-Pitt is "no different"
-Telling Michigan fans that they're "too serious [about football]" and to "get a life"
-Losing to everyone, including Toledo and Minnesota
-Bringing the program its first NCAA Infractions
-Hiring more graduate assistants than allowed by NCAA rules
-Hiring the graduate assistant who lied to the NCAA about 15 minutes of extra practice time
-Not looking better after those 15 minutes of practice
-Unilaterally declaring himself "a Michigan man" in an effort to save his job
-Causing a scene by playing Josh Groben and asking everyone to hold hands at the awards banquet, making the banquet about him instead of the players.
-Having the worst record of any Michigan coach... ever
-Being almost universally hated
-Refusing to live in Ann Arbor like previous coaches
Etc., etc., etc...

Basically, I'd rather have our program given the death penalty than suffer through 3 more years of Rich Rod.
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2006 OSU - If we had won, I think we'd have had a great game with Florida.
Yea, the Rose bowl with USC proves that.
2007 OSU - this could be one too. Henne, Hart, and Long's senior year. Thought they would finally beat OSU, but we were too banged up. If we were at full strength, we would have handed it to them IMO. Worst OSU team in recent memory (even though they backed into NCG)
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NDqbsRoverated;1936074; said:
Yeah, "Worst Michigan Memory?" is a gigantic pity party.

Anyhow they're forgetting the RR's greatest embarassments:
-The WVU Lawsuit
-Rumors of marital infidelity
-Giving the #1 (receiver) jersey to a defensive player
-Comparing the OSU game to WVU-Pitt, saying WVU-Pitt is "no different"
-Telling Michigan fans that they're "too serious [about football]" and to "get a life"
-Losing to everyone, including Toledo and Minnesota
-Bringing the program its first NCAA Infractions
-Hiring more graduate assistants than allowed by NCAA rules
-Hiring the graduate assistant who lied to the NCAA about 15 minutes of extra practice time
-Not looking better after those 15 minutes of practice
-Unilaterally declaring himself "a Michigan man" in an effort to save his job
-Causing a scene by playing Josh Groben and asking everyone to hold hands at the awards banquet, making the banquet about him instead of the players.
-Having the worst record of any Michigan coach... ever
-Being almost universally hated
-Refusing to live in Ann Arbor like previous coaches
Etc., etc., etc...

Basically, I'd rather have our program given the death penalty than suffer through 3 more years of Rich Rod.

Don't forget 0-3.
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NDqbsRoverated;1936114; said:
Great... it's a trend... another pity party thread...
"What are your top 3 UM Games that ripped out your guts"

2.) 2007 Appalachian State. Yes, I realize that App. State had an exceptionally good team that year, and that Michigan underestimated them, but that was still a terrible thing to see.
:lol: Sugar-coating a loss... Classy. :rofl:

3. 2006/2007 OSU - Because we had the advantage coming into the undefeated matchup and OSU pull up the grass, put down new SOD a week leading up to the game and wetted it down all week(alledgely) to negate our DL's advantage and keep Woodley and company from ending Troy Smith's career. Not to mention our DB's were slipping all over the place trying to stay with the receivers. 2007 because we would've beat them that year also but the injury to Henne shoulder prevented him from playing and Hart was also banged up and it was just sick watching Mallett knowing that if the injuries didn't exist to the seniors they would've done to OSU what they did to Tebow and Fla once they healed.

JFC.... Had nothing to do with the fact that the old field consisted of 30% grass and 70% mud right? Michigan fans are so up their own asses it isn't even funny. Not a peep Mike. :lol:
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Appalachian St. group recommends jump to FBS

BOONE, N.C. (AP) -- A committee at Appalachian State says the Mountaineers' football program should jump to the Bowl Subdivision.

The school's athletics feasibility committee voted Monday to recommend to Chancellor Kenneth Peacock that it seek membership in an FBS conference.

Cont'd ,,,
This old thread won't quite be the same once they make it into the Sun Belt or Conference USA. But this was another excuse to bump it.
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Bleed S & G;1973819; said:
That was a great day. Out in the parking lot celebrating a Buckeye win, watching the fiasco take place up North. Top 10 tailgating moment over the last 6/7 years.

It's one of those moments that you remember where you were. I was at Ferg's Sports Bar in St. Pete, FL, watching the end of the Buckeyes game. I then turned to watch the finale of the scUM suckfest, which I had been monitoring all along. There were many TSUN fans there, too. Their reaction to the blocked field goal was priceless.
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I am surprised I never posted in this thread. I was at Bru's Room in Coconut Creek (old location) watching the Buckeyes with the local alumni chapter when this went down. The place exploded with cheers and the DJ played "The Buckeye Battle Cry" then "We don't give a Damn" while the whole place (minus a few Gators and Canes) sang at the top of their lungs. It was definitely a good time that day.
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BB73;1973796; said:
This old thread won't quite be the same once they make it into the Sun Belt or Conference USA. But this was another excuse to bump it.

I think we're angling for Miami's spot in the ACC.:wink2:

I also think this idea of moving up is profoundly wrong-headed. I-AA (FCS) has been a good fit for us; the athletic program actually enhances the academic program. I fear that will be lost with the move. At any rate, it won't happen over night, so I've got time to check out my retirement options.

Professor HineyBuck
Appalachian State University
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