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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

Still have this on my office wall in downtown Detroit:


Most of my co-workers are scUM fans. Every once in a while I still get a newbie to my office and it's always fun when it hits them what that picture is.
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DubCoffman62;1758260; said:
I'll never forget that day. At was at Costco watching the final play on one of their big screens.
Wife and I were at the OSU/YSU opener that afternoon. Never forget leaving the south stands and seeing the people packed into the concourse below cheering the TVs.
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I still remember... I didn't have the BTN so I couldn't watch the OSU/YSU game that day, nor this one. So when it was coming down to the final minutes I was on Gamecast refreshing over and over again... when I finally saw it was over, and APP won, I went certifiably insane. I will always remember that moment haha
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DubCoffman62;1759077; said:
Which was worse for you, The App State game or the Next game against Oregon?

seriously? after the App game I knew the season was pretty much over. The drubbing Oregon put on us was just insult to injury, but I really felt absolutely nothing when I was watching the game.

beating Notre Dame and stringing together the 8 or so wins in a row was a small taste of how good that team should have been, but then osu came back into town and reminded me of just how good Tress and company was.

The win over Florida was a nice consolation.
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WolverineMike;1759112; said:
seriously? after the App game I knew the season was pretty much over. The drubbing Oregon put on us was just insult to injury, but I really felt absolutely nothing when I was watching the game.

beating Notre Dame and stringing together the 8 or so wins in a row was a small taste of how good that team should have been, but then osu came back into town and reminded me of just how good Tress and company was.

The win over Florida was a nice consolation.

That was the best part. After losing to Appy State they came back to beat Notre Dame and Florida. :lol:
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WolverineMike;1759112; said:
The win over Florida was a nice consolation.

That was one of the more amusing bowl games in recent memory. Some very nice twists & turns. Plus (although it certainly
wouldn't have been tSUN's intention) it did salve an earlier wound a little to see the Gators fall to a B10 team.
Sure it came as a shock to them, too. Chomp-Chomp...not! :biggrin:
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Originally Posted by NFBuck
Ole Miss isn't the #5 team in the country. :wink2:

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1761968; said:
Eh.... Michigan wasn't either. :wink2:

Eh, Mike, :wink2:

2007 NCAA Division I FBS (Football Bowl Subdivision) football rankings

The Coaches Poll was released on August 3, 2007.

Week 1
August 3

5. Michigan

The Associated Press (AP) preseason poll was released on August 18, 2007

Week 1
August 18

5. Michigan

Week 2
September 4

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