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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

WolverineMike;1711075; said:
dang, this site was recommended as a good place to be able to discuss The Game and the rivalry with level headed buckeye fans.......LMAO. Now I'm not so sure. 22,000 posts in this thread? That is freaking impressive.

This IS a great site, and far better than any other TSUN site or any other site out there. But you are quite naive if you think we don't laugh any chance we get over this epic fail.
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WolverineMike;1711075; said:
dang, this site was recommended as a good place to be able to discuss The Game and the rivalry with level headed buckeye fans.......LMAO. Now I'm not so sure. 22,000 posts in this thread? That is freaking impressive.

Uh, you obviously pick the wrong fucking thread for "level-headed" discussion, there, Einstein...
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WolverineMike;1711075; said:
dang, this site was recommended as a good place to be able to discuss The Game and the rivalry with level headed buckeye fans.......LMAO. Now I'm not so sure. 22,000 posts in this thread? That is freaking impressive.

Your post was #616 numb nuts.
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WolverineMike;1711089; said:
my bad, 22,000 views.......honest mistake. Thanks for not running me through the mud over it.....oh wait. sheesh.

If you think a 'Numb nuts' and 'Einstein' cracks are running you through the mud, you may need a serious set of waders around here.
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If this is the same WolverineMike from Bucknuts, then yeah you are in for a bit a of a shock. Over there, those posters seem to hate OSU as much as they do scUM. Here, its more normal. But vastly more intellectual than the psycho dribble kibbles and bits at the other sites forums.


And get ready for razzertazzers if you mess up. But, some of this sites best respected posters are not Buckeye fans.
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Merih;1711093; said:
If this is the same WolverineMike from Bucknuts, then yeah you are in for a bit a of a shock. Over there, those posters seem to hate OSU as much as they do scUM. Here, its more normal. But vastly more intellectual than the psycho dribble kibbles and bits at the other sites forums.


And get ready for razzertazzers if you mess up. But, some of this sites best respected posters are not Buckeye fans.

It's the same Mike. He takes his beatings like a man. :) I invited him over, so please cut him at least a smidge of slack. :wink2:
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WolverineMike;1711139; said:
I ask for no favors, other than how can I get that buckeye leaf removed from after my name? I just doesn't look right....LOL

When RR beats Tressel it magically disappears. In other words, you better get used to it! :tongue2:
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