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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

It used to irritate me no end how the polls would always IMHO overrate Michigan in the preseason polls. This particular game gave a tremendous amount of satisfaction.
Now things would be different for me as our beloved Cornhuskers are now members of this proud conference. I'll be routing for every conference team in OOCG's to strengthen the conference's national perception and to aid in making it automatic that winning the Big-10 is a ticket to the MNCG.
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red in colorado;1719509; said:
It used to irritate me no end how the polls would always IMHO overrate Michigan in the preseason polls. This particular game gave a tremendous amount of satisfaction.
Now things would be different for me as our beloved Cornhuskers are now members of this proud conference. I'll be routing for every conference team in OOCG's to strengthen the conference's national perception and to aid in making it automatic that winning the Big-10 is a ticket to the MNCG.

That's the great thing about the Big 10 - when Michigan wins - good for the conference.... when Michigan loses... it's funny as all fuck.
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red in colorado;1719509; said:
It used to irritate me no end how the polls would always IMHO overrate Michigan in the preseason polls. This particular game gave a tremendous amount of satisfaction.
Now things would be different for me as our beloved Cornhuskers are now members of this proud conference. I'll be routing for every conference team in OOCG's to strengthen the conference's national perception and to aid in making it automatic that winning the Big-10 is a ticket to the MNCG.

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1719556; said:
That's the great thing about the Big 10 - when Michigan wins - good for the conference.... when Michigan loses... it's funny as all fuck.

red REALLY needs to go through the Illinois/scUM thread from last season and count up all of the :slappy:s :rofl:s and :lol:s just for the hell of it.


And here it be....I'd bump it but some elitist locked it :shake:

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heh heh heh

Sing it with me:

Thaa-aaaa-anks for the Memories...






Karma's a bi-atch, you arrogant [censored]s.

:biggrin: :scum4: :biggrin: :scum4: :biggrin: :scum4: :biggrin: :scum4: :biggrin: :scum4: :biggrin: :scum4: :biggrin: :scum4: :biggrin: :scum4: :biggrin: :scum4: :biggrin: :scum4: :biggrin:
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WolverineMike;1725269; said:
LOL....the 90's really wrecked havoc on a lot of you guys, didn't it......

The when's? I'm pretty sure Ohio skipped straight from 1987 to 2001. Never heard of these "90's" to which you refer.
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