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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

Life has been really really good this millennium... how's it been up north?

How's it lookin for the next five years?? oh.. sorry.. not so good 'eh?

Can't get a job.. can't sell a house.. can't get a football team... but the fishin's damn good

just teasin Mike... well... semi-teasin
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Looking back, it's good to see that the Appalachian State game was truly the bottom for the Michigan program and they've been able to pick themselves up from that fateful day.

Who am I kidding? Everyday is an Appalachian State game for Michigan with Dick Rod at the helm.
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that's the biggest difference in the 90's and now. At least when we were owning Cooper, you guys were still having successful seasons. Not so much now......LOL. Oh well.

I think you know you've hit rock bottom when a guy from Jersey is making fun of you.....LOL. But the jokes on you, I live in Columbus....ha ha....

Honu....that's like the third time i've seen shitdick out of you, maybe it's time to branch out.....LOL
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WolverineMike;1725304; said:
Honu....that's like the third time i've seen shitdick out of you, maybe it's time to branch out.....LOL

Uh, try again...that's the only time I've ever used that term on this site (try the search function, shitdick...oops, now that's two).
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HonuBuck;1725316; said:
Uh, try again...that's the only time I've ever used that term on this site (try the search function, shitdick...oops, now that's two).

So does this prove that Mili/Honu is not bkb?

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;955012; said:
Well, considering it was fairplay who assualted Bonaduce, I'm not surprised. If Bonaduce had done more than get shitdick off of him and then walk away, maybe... but Bonaduce didn't do anything wrong.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1725327; said:
Of course I look the same. Everyone on this board is me... except for you... I guess.

Or me.
I'm not you or you, I'm me...well, except to you, I guess, 'cause to you I wouldn't be me, I'd be you to you and me to me.
Sorry, I'm really not myself today. :ohwell:
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