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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

WolverineMike;1711129; said:
LMAO.....I grew up in New Albany. Before it got all Paris Hiltoned. I'm definitely the black sheep of the family. My wife even graduated from osu :wink:
What? How does something like that happen?

You'd better bring her over here. Tell her someone on the internet wants to have a talk with her.
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WolverineMike;1711144; said:
I like how this site has the "rep" system. Most the other message boards I frequent has it as well. I also like how it took less than 24 hours to get my first neg rep. That's a personal best. WOOT!

I realize you're not complaining about it, so therre's no problem with this post. As an FYI, it's best not to mention neg rep on the boards, since ding whining is against board rules.
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localyokel;1710521; said:
Wasn't it the most fun you had all week?! :tongue2:

Pretty much. I still love to watch videos of the reactions of crowds at other stadiums. Reminds me of the end of Return of the Jedi with all the parties are going down on different planets.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=397UrwydsC0"]YouTube - PSU fans watch Appalachian State/Michigan game part 1[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arfvJPDD8j8"]YouTube - Response to Michigan Losing, from Ohio Stadium[/ame]
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Interesting. I never thought about other schools in the B10 being as involved in the game as OSU fans. Should have been obvious, I guess, esp. PState, given the recent time tSUN ended their perfect season with that last minute score.
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localyokel;1711638; said:
Interesting. I never thought about other schools in the B10 being as involved in the game as OSU fans. Should have been obvious, I guess, esp. PState, given the recent time tSUN ended their perfect season with that last minute score.

Meh. In the beginning of the 2007 season, Michigan was still thought of as one of the big dogs of the Big Ten. I'd imagine that they were favored to win the Big Ten, and had hopes of getting to the national championship. To see a team like App State beat the Big Ten bully like that was probably pretty fun for fans of 10 of the Big Ten teams.

I'd imagine that the reaction around the Big Ten may have been similar if Youngstown State had beat Ohio State that same day.

That said, to hell with Penn State fans. Unless they're playing Michigan.
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