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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

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buckeyemania11;1695532; said:
Armanti Edwards just got drafted

reminded me of this glorious game :slappy:

Had gone to the Arena Grand to watch the OSU game ('cause BTN wasn't televised on Time Warner yet). The announcers kept givng updates during the game on the debacle unfolding up North. After OSU's game finished, BTN switched coverage to the App State game & the guys at the Grand left the broadcast on. Just about everybody stayed--we were cheering our brains out more than we had for OSU. What a Hollywood ending!

Happy memory. :biggrin:
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localyokel;1695564; said:
Had gone to the Arena Grand to watch the OSU game ('cause BTN wasn't televised on Time Warner yet). The announcers kept givng updates during the game on the debacle unfolding up North. After OSU's game finished, BTN switched coverage to the App State game & the guys at the Grand left the broadcast on. Just about everybody stayed--we were cheering our brains out more than we had for OSU. What a Hollywood ending!

Happy memory. :biggrin:

I was there too!!!
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BB73;1710503; said:
I assumed it was bumped today in honor of HineyBuck's birthday.

Hot, HOT, HOT!!! Guy that lives down the street from me was AppState's team Doc. But he's also a TSUN alum, and a rabid Blue fan (has a sign in his driveway says, "No parking for OSU fans"). Story is, after the AppState debacle, they found him sitting on the bumper of the team bus, inconsolable and incoherent. They had to take him by the arm and lead him on board the bus.

Anyway, thanks for the birthday gift in bumping this thread. It will never get old for me. BTW, AppState should be pretty solid this year, even with the loss of two-time Payton Award winner Armanti Edwards. Last time it was the season opener. This year we close the season (Nov. 20) at Florida. I ain't sayin' nothin' . . .
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HineyBuck;1710564; said:
Last time it was the season opener. This year we close the season (Nov. 20) at Florida. I ain't sayin' nothin' . . .

That would ROCK!!! beyond all imagining. It might just give poor Urban a new attack of palpitations.

I will so be rooting for Appy...going to put it on the calendar right now. :biggrin:
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