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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

zwem;1430592; said:
Michigan wasn't going to compete for a national title that year. Anybody that follows Michigan football closely and isn't biased would have known that. I thought that team would go 11-2 because I knew that defense would give up points/yardage and it would cost them a game or two.

Everybody got all excited when Michigan went 11-2 in 2006. That team struggled to get by Ball State that year and Ball State actually had a chance to win that game. I think Michigan overachieved that year. Then they played an actual team in USC and got ran over in the Rose Bowl.

So the Michigan media put them at #5 to start the year because why?

Oh yeah, that's because the PERCEPTION of Michigan was they were a legit threat. It was just that they couldn't, at that point, stop Troy Smith who was gone to the NFL.

Early on PERCEPTION is the key in College Football. Sure that means the polls are essentially worthless, but if Michigan wins that game and then finds a way to NOT get blown out by Oregon, they would have been right there probably. Why? Brand name.
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BuckeyeMike80;1430609; said:
So the Michigan media put them at #5 to start the year because why?

Oh yeah, that's because the PERCEPTION of Michigan was they were a legit threat. It was just that they couldn't, at that point, stop Troy Smith who was gone to the NFL.

Early on PERCEPTION is the key in College Football. Sure that means the polls are essentially worthless, but if Michigan wins that game and then finds a way to NOT get blown out by Oregon, they would have been right there probably. Why? Brand name.

Yeah, brand name had something to do it with it just like any other big time college football program. They went 11-2 the previous year and had a lot of their starters coming back. That is why they were ranked high. The 2006 season was just a smoke screen and Michigan wasn't really that good.
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zwem;1430680; said:
Yeah, brand name had something to do it with it just like any other big time college football program. They went 11-2 the previous year and had a lot of their starters coming back. That is why they were ranked high. The 2006 season was just a smoke screen and Michigan wasn't really that good.
Long, Henne and Bikey? Manningham and Arrington? That team was too good offensively to play as bad as they did early on. There was plenty of talent on defense, they were just poorly coached and conditioned.
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zwem;1430680; said:
Yeah, brand name had something to do it with it just like any other big time college football program. They went 11-2 the previous year and had a lot of their starters coming back. That is why they were ranked high. The 2006 season was just a smoke screen and Michigan wasn't really that good.

uhh ok.....hindsight is 20/20 I guess and I guess that's what you scUM fans have to do to try to minimize the pain or something.
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BuckeyeMike80;1430800; said:
uhh ok.....hindsight is 20/20 I guess and I guess that's what you scUM fans have to do to try to minimize the pain or something.
That's what they do. Most of us have no problem owning up to our deficiencies the past couple of years (UF, LSU games in particular). m*ch*g*n fans rewrite history and claim they had no expectations anyway. :roll1: Going into last year, a large majority of them were expecting anywhere from 7-10 wins. Of course most of them deny that now.
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NFBuck;1430834; said:
That's what they do. Most of us have no problem owning up to our deficiencies the past couple of years (UF, LSU games in particular). m*ch*g*n fans rewrite history and claim they had no expectations anyway. :roll1: Going into last year, a large majority of them were expecting anywhere from 7-10 wins. Of course most of them deny that now.

I actually had Michigan winning 5-6 games last year and the 2007 team winning 11 and going to a BCS bowl game. Both of those seasons were disappointments but it was very nice to see Michigan and Carr beat Florida.

The 2006 team was ranked #15 in the preseason. They lost their two biggest games of the year. They had to hang on to beat Ball State when they had the ball in the redzone. Michigan's biggest wins that year were probably ND and Wisconsin. ND had 10 wins but we all know what happened when they played USC and LSU. I think Michigan only beat one ranked team that year. Expectations weren't as high on the 2006 team as previous seasons.

I think Michigan will win 3-4 games this year.

But what do I know........I just rewrite history. Let me go into sarcasm mode for a minute. Michigan will go 13-0 this year and win the national championship. Tate will win the heisman and anything less than a National title will be a disappointment.

Is that better?
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zwem;1430592; said:
Michigan wasn't going to compete for a national title that year. Anybody that follows Michigan football closely and isn't biased would have known that. I thought that team would go 11-2 because I knew that defense would give up points/yardage and it would cost them a game or two.

Everybody got all excited when Michigan went 11-2 in 2006. That team struggled to get by Ball State that year and Ball State actually had a chance to win that game. I think Michigan overachieved that year. Then they played an actual team in USC and got ran over in the Rose Bowl.

If you consider the recruits that App State got, the scholarship count, and where Michigan was ranked at the time they played, it's not hard to understand how excited App State got. Not to mention the way the game went down, tsun marched back, looked like they were going to win it with their much bigger athletes, and App state showed that speed matters.

Also, it's not fair to discount their victory, any tsun fan who says they weren't surprised to see a 1-AA team come into their house and upset them is a liar. How many draft picks for tsun out of that class? How many for App state? That's an enormous upset, in reality, your practice squad should have been able to handle that team.
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