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Android: Swype, one of our favorite Android keyboards, has just updated to include support for the awesome Dragon Dictation speech-to-text engine.

Swype has replaced its voice-to-text button with a Dragon Dictation button, that uses Dragon's advanced transcription program for awesome hands-free texting. It also includes "advanced language modeling", which is a new algorithm that lets it better predict the words you're typing. Instead of just choosing from the popularity of individual words, it looks at what you typed before it and learns over time to pick the best word out of the bunch (for example, choosing "mosh pit" over "mosh pot").
The new version will be rolling out to existing beta users over the course of the next 72 hours.
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Where's My Water?

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fanaticbuckeye;2069701; said:

I've been using this for a few days now, and I must say it is awesome. Once you go in and tweak the settings it works well. So far it has alerted me to 4 games all with about 2 minutes left. 3 of the 4 went to OT. All 4 were games I didn't even realize were on.
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BUCKYLE;2086628; said:
wtf is rooting

"Rooting" is a term used to describe the process by which an individual gains "root" access to his/her phone.

Basically, there are system files and settings that are locked for the developers of the phones firmware/software to alter. Rooting your phone gives you access to these files/folders/settings, allowing you to do things such as install a custom ROM (Basically an update, like going from 2.2 to 2.3) that is not yet available to the general public.

Another advantage to these custom ROM's is that you can remove the crapware that Verizon et al pre-install on your phone that slows it down, such as VZ Navigator etc.

Finally, you can flash (Basically, install) a custom "kernal" which can often increase your CPU speed significantly. That allows for apps to load faster/run more smoothly etc.

Rooting on Android is not difficult, and it feels more "scary" than it is. For someone like myself who has a poorly supported device (Samsung Fascinate, takes FOREVER to get updates etc) I use custom ROM's to significantly enhance my user experience.
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BlufftonBuckeye;2086637; said:
"Rooting" is a term used to describe the process by which an individual gains "root" access to his/her phone.

Basically, there are system files and settings that are locked for the developers of the phones firmware/software to alter. Rooting your phone gives you access to these files/folders/settings, allowing you to do things such as install a custom ROM (Basically an update, like going from 2.2 to 2.3) that is not yet available to the general public.

Another advantage to these custom ROM's is that you can remove the crapware that Verizon et al pre-install on your phone that slows it down, such as VZ Navigator etc.

Finally, you can flash (Basically, install) a custom "kernal" which can often increase your CPU speed significantly. That allows for apps to load faster/run more smoothly etc.

Rooting on Android is not difficult, and it feels more "scary" than it is. For someone like myself who has a poorly supported device (Samsung Fascinate, takes FOREVER to get updates etc) I use custom ROM's to significantly enhance my user experience.
Ok...think I understand.

I just bought a Samsung galaxy s and I'm trying to figure it out. Appreciate it.
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