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Crackle: Sony has released Crackle, an app that streams full-feature movies and popular TV shows to Android for free. For free. For free! We're talking popular TV shows like Seinfeld or big times movies like The Da Vinci Code and all completely free! The app is the same ad-supported streaming service as the Crackle.com website (and iOS apps) and has a decent catalog from Columbia Pictures, Tri-Star, Screen Gems, Sony Pictures Classics and other studios. It's obviously not as comprehensive as Netflix or Hulu but you're not paying a damn thing.
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Fieldrunners HD (WiFi Download Only)
by Subatomic Studios, LLC
Tell your friends:
this game was/is AWESOME on the iPhone. One of the best tower defense games out there
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[ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B004TYW83K/"]Golf Frontier GPS:Amazon:Mobile Apps[/ame]

Good gps for golf.

Like many amazon sold apps, I buy it while it's free and then install it later if/when I need it.

Normally $5
Upvote 0
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B004OZPOX0/ref=redir_mdp_mobile/183-2930433-9806806"]App 2 SD Pro:Amazon:Mobile Apps[/ame]

Great app. Free today, if you miss it, grab the always free version.
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Tapatalk (android app) free The best forum app on the market is free at GetJar. Regular price is $2.99

link [getjar.com]

Some other free paid apps & games from GetJar thread.

Beautiful Widgets [getjar.com]
TuneIn Radio Pro [getjar.com]
Paper Camera [getjar.com]
AllSport GPS PRO [getjar.com]
Splashtop Remote Desktop [getjar.com]
Tapatalk [getjar.com] - from other thread

Fruit Ninja THD [getjar.com]
Super KO Boxing 2 [getjar.com]
Deer Hunter African Safari [getjar.com]

Beautiful Widgets is a great app for anyone without HTC Sense, or even some with it like me that want a smaller home screen clock/weather widget.
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jwinslow;2015660; said:
Screenshots of the new Android OS are leaking out...


I'm looking forward to it overall, but these were pretty underwhelming, and the calendar looks like a step back.

Looks cleaner/less space-agey.

I completely agree about the calender. And underwhelming is a good way to put it.

I've been running CM7 on my Fascinate for awhile now, and I love it. Can't wait until Ice Cream gets ROM'd and tweaked.
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