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Bucknut24;1908033; said:
before i changed to this, i had a thunderstorm live that i loved (it was the free version, so it had its limitations)

Yeah, I don't believe in paying for something I have to look at on my phone. If there is a price tag on it, I scroll right by it. LOL Now I just use this wallpaper as my background.

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Latest free app

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004XDYJRU"]Amazon.com: TuneIn Radio Pro: Appstore for Android[/ame]

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I've attached the live wallpapers from SGS II. Install them like a normal apk :wink:

Secret Wallpaper 1 is the beach one, and Secret Wallpaper 2 is the windmill one.

It only works on devices with WVGA resolution, and will not work if you have custom DPI settings.

Beach one is too large to attach. Here's a mediafire link

Video by XDA member Clipp from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5MEy9NuVXU&feature=player_embedded



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Google Docs has been available as a mobile-optimized webapp for a long time, but it always left something to be desired. Today, Google released a native app for Android devices that makes it easy to create, edit, and upload documents on-the-go.Google Docs added editing to its mobile site awhile ago, but it still wasn't the best Docs experience?trying to navigate through your docs from your phone was kind of a pain (not to mention slow). The native app works amazingly well, letting you view and edit all your existing documents, while also letting you create new documents and spreadsheets on-the-go. You can view documents you get in Gmail, collaborate with other people, and even get a widget on your home screen for quick document creation. Note that the editing appears to still be the mobile Google Docs editor, just rendered inside the app?which means no offline editing?but it still works pretty darn well, and navigating through your list of docs is now much easier.
Full size

Undoubtedly the coolest feature, though, is the ability to take a picture of a hard paper document and convert it to Google Docs format. By creating a new "Document from Photo", Docs will filter the picture through its optical character recognition system to turn the image into a fully editable document. Google Docs is a free download for Android devices running 2.1 and up. Hit the link or scan the QR code below to check it out.
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For any android users like me who will be watching Thursday night comedies, download NFL Mobile from the Android Market

or click here to send yourself a text

If you don’t already have it, the Draft is going to be covered on Verizon’s extremely popular NFL application which will include a ticker for timely updates on who drafted who, commentary from NFL analysts as well as video highlights of some of the draftees.
There are several ways to get Verizon’s NFL application. You can head to the Android Market and download it there or you can text ‘NFL’ to 8915 and you’ll get a link to where to snag it. Unfortunately, those of you on a Verizon iPhone 4 are going to be left out for now.
The NFL app and thus the Draft coverage is only available on Android devices and BlackBerry phones and you can find out if your device is compatible by heading here.
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