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Netflix releases Android app for select HTC phones, Samsung Nexus S

Well, it looks like the LG Revolution won't be the first Android phone to get Netflix after all. The app has just hit the Android Market and is currently available for the HTC Incredible, Nexus One, Evo 4G, and G2, plus the Samsung Nexus S. As you might expect, there's not a lot of surprises in terms of functionality -- you can resume watching where you left off on your TV or computer, and the app will allow you to manage your instant queue in addition to letting you simply browse movies. On its official blog, Netflix explains that while the app is currently limited to phones with "requisite playback support," it anticipates that many of the "technical challenges will be resolved in the coming months," and that it will be able to "provide a Netflix application that will work on a large majority of Android phones." That's some curious wording, to be sure, and a notable change from earlier talk that suggested only certain Qualcomm processors would support the necessary DRM for Netflix. Also not supported at the moment: Canada. If none of that precludes you, however, you can hit up the Android Market link below to try it out for yourself.
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Off topic a bit, but this would be the place to post. Had to take my original Droid in today to Verizon, and was in and out in 10 minutes. Have a new (probably refurbished) Droid on it's way, should be here Monday. I'm decently surprised with the insurance considering I was having issues with my previous phone (Voyager), and was told I need to pay $50 to get a new one. :lol: No thanks, I'd rather not pay MORE for another piece of shit.

Oh the problem with the phone was it's headphone jack. I can't enjoy my Beats Studios on my Droid until I get a new one. :(
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TooTallMenardo;1921926; said:
Off topic a bit, but this would be the place to post. Had to take my original Droid in today to Verizon, and was in and out in 10 minutes. Have a new (probably refurbished) Droid on it's way, should be here Monday. I'm decently surprised with the insurance considering I was having issues with my previous phone (Voyager), and was told I need to pay $50 to get a new one. :lol: No thanks, I'd rather not pay MORE for another piece of shit.

Oh the problem with the phone was it's headphone jack. I can't enjoy my Beats Studios on my Droid until I get a new one. :(
I hope you nuked that old phone's data from all directions. Last time they gave me a replacement phone, it had someone else's email account login in cache, and the first couple of times I tried to log in I got her messages, not mine.
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Deety;1921927; said:
I hope you nuked that old phone's data from all directions. Last time they gave me a replacement phone, it had someone else's email account login in cache, and the first couple of times I tried to log in I got her messages, not mine.

Haven't sent it back yet, but I will do so. I remember you saying something about that a few months ago.
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Android Exchange Touchdown App Key for Android at Amazon Appstore $7.99 - Save $12

Make a note that this is the software KEY not the actual app. You have to download the app separate, which allows for you to do the full setup and see if it works with your company's exchange or not. Then you will buy the key on top of the free regular app (free trial that is) and it will unlock all of the features permanently.

View attachment 558137

From Amazon Description:

Exchange By Touchdown is the ultimate productivity tool for the hard-working smartphone user. Use this app to connect to your company's Exchange Server with secure access to your corporate e-mail, contacts, calendar, tasks, and notes. With TouchDown, you receive your company e-mail immediately using push technology. You can also send e-mails, address appointment requests, edit your contact list, and manage your tasks and notes. Try out this application for a full 30 days and decide for yourself. If you want to activate the full version of Exchange By TouchDown, simply upgrade by purchasing the Exchange By Touchdown Key app.
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TooTallMenardo;1921926; said:
Oh the problem with the phone was it's headphone jack. I can't enjoy my Beats Studios on my Droid until I get a new one. :(

Brings up something I cannot resolve.

Seems the jack spacing on the droid headphones is different than the iphone. Consequently none of the volume controls, fast forward, and call answering functionallity does not work seemlessly if they were designed for a MAC.

I am an audio snob and want to hear quality when I am playing music. Is there anything that meshes with a Droid, that controls the phone and music that is high end like the Dre's or Steinhousers?
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Folanator;1926101; said:
Brings up something I cannot resolve.

Seems the jack spacing on the droid headphones is different than the iphone. Consequently none of the volume controls, fast forward, and call answering functionallity does not work seemlessly if they were designed for a MAC.

I am an audio snob and want to hear quality when I am playing music. Is there anything that meshes with a Droid, that controls the phone and music that is high end like the Dre's or Steinhousers?

The only thing that comes with Dre's is a pause/play button on one of the two headphone cords. Other than that, I have the volume buttons on the side of my phone, which can be controlled locked or unlocked. So I'm content with my set up. I'm not sure how the Beats would work on iPhone, but I would assume they would be fine.
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TooTallMenardo;1926163; said:
The only thing that comes with Dre's is a pause/play button on one of the two headphone cords. Other than that, I have the volume buttons on the side of my phone, which can be controlled locked or unlocked. So I'm content with my set up. I'm not sure how the Beats would work on iPhone, but I would assume they would be fine.

Can you answer calls with the chord controller?

The reason I ask is that I ride a bike a lot. Put the phone in the back of my jersey and need to control the phone and music with the controller.
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Folanator;1926227; said:
Can you answer calls with the chord controller?

The reason I ask is that I ride a bike a lot. Put the phone in the back of my jersey and need to control the phone and music with the controller.

No, it actually starts playing music, while someone's calling you. :lol:
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The Amazon Appstore is the greatest thing ever. I hope you guys are checking it every day..

I've gotten these free...
Enjoy Sudoku
Fruit Ninja
TuneIn Radio
TweetCaster Premium
Retro Camera +
Weatherbug Elite

All free. And I use them all a decent amount (so far).
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From Slickdeals
Google recently banned video game emulators in the market. In response the developer is offering the normally paid apps free for two weeks. Here is a link to download the apps. You must be able to sideload apps in order to install (sorry unrooted AT&T users).

Great deal on good apps.


These apps do not contain any games themselves. They simply allow you to load ROM files which contain the games. To find games search google e.g. "SNES Roms"
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wasn't sure which andorid thread to put this in...

DROID X by Motorola Software Update
Posted: 5/25/2011 10:58:08 AM(ET)
Beginning 05/27/11, a new update to the Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) Operating System will be available on the DROID X by Motorola.

Beginning 05/27/11, a new update to the Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) Operating System will be available on the DROID X by Motorola.
Update to Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)
New Download Manager App New way to natively manage applications - a new Running tab displays a list of active applications and the storage and memory being used by each.
Multi-Touch key-chording - New ability to enter numbers and symbols with keyboard shortcut combos, instead of having to change to the numeric keyboard mode.
Improved word selection and copy functionality.
New user interface and color scheme.
Static Phone, App Launcher and Contacts icons are replaced within a customizable dock. Three swappable icons and the App Launcher icon are fixed to the Dock at the bottom of all home screen panels for easy and instant access.
Based on usage, participant and addressee suggestions are made in Calendar entries, emails and text messages. Create groups instantly based on the context of what?s being done. For example, quickly create a group based on a suggestion Calendar invitee list or the group of people with whom the user is texting.
Improvements include:
Geo-Tagging for camera applications
Calendar application:
Calendar appointments created on the device with Exchange Active Sync will correctly display on the device.
Update calendar appointments with Exchange Active Sync without deleting them.
Successfully sync the Inbox and Calendar when using Exchange Active Sync.
Email application:
Improved contact syncing from multiple accounts.
Email pushes now work correctly when using Exchange Active Sync.
Exchange Active Sync account setup will accurately present server option.
Forwarded emails send properly while using Exchange Active Sync.
POP3/IMAP emails now show the correct date stamp.
Successfully edit Contacts without being directed to the home screen.
Autofocus Camera feature has been improved for use in low-light conditions.
Improved battery life while using Bluetooth?.
Software Availability:
The DROID X by Motorola OTA Software enhancement will be pushed to a select number of customers daily starting on 05/27/11. The software update can also be user initiated starting 06/01/11 by following these steps: Menu > Settings > About Phone > System Updates.
See the DROID X by Motorola support website for details on the enhancement, improvement, and download instructions
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“Grocery iQ, the best of several grocery-list apps” – The New York Times!

Build new shopping lists quickly by: saying the item name, scanning the barcode, or using predictive search.

Sync/share your shopping list with other Grocery iQ users.

Now you can edit your list at http://groceryiq.com and sync it to your phone

Recent changes:
Fix for scanning/camera problem on Nexus S running Android 2.3.3 and other bug fixes.
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If I have updated my phone to use Darkslide instead of the standard, is it required of me to update to Android 2.3 for better performance or should I be able to keep it as is?

edit- Droid X was on 2.2 before I moved to Darkslide 2.2
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