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The Amazon app store finally has a decent free app of the day. it's been awhile.

OfficeSuite Pro 5

Mobile viewing / editing of office files and PDFs, not sure if you can edit the latter

As always, grab the app while free and decide later whether to install it
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If you are using swype as your keyboard here's some nice looking themes for it. You'll have to uninstall your current version of swype and then reinstall the apk you download.










Dark White


ICS Outlined


ICS Solid

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So i got my infuse today. :) So far i like android, a lot different but its sweet.

Recommend me some good apps and tricks.

Are there other web browsers? This stock one sucks
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Did anybody else here play Sim Tower back in the day? Now I want to see Sim Farm ported to smartphones.



At long last, Tiny Tower -- the 16-bit game that crams SIM City into a skyscraper -- is available on Android. You control "blitzens" who live and work in the building as you erect new floors and businesses. The elevator is obvious mode of moving up and down, and you can easily start and stop, making this a great game for those down times when you don't want to get too terribly involved.

Tiny Tower's free, and we've got download links for ya after the break.
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free for today, usually $15
install the Documents To Go 3.0 Main App first (which is free)
then go to
to get the key for full version

Product Features

View, edit, and create Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents
Download, view, and edit your files from your Google Docs account
Sync with your desktop using your device's USB cable
Enjoy comprehensive formatting features for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as high-fidelity viewing of PDFs
Access support for attachments, password-protected files, built-in file browser, memory-card support, and Live folder for recently used documents
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BuckeyeMac;2039844; said:
So i got my infuse today. :) So far i like android, a lot different but its sweet.

Recommend me some good apps and tricks.

Are there other web browsers? This stock one sucks

So I went back to my iPhone...not a big fan of Android. I think it's because I'm so used to the iOS and its simplicity.

So now I have the infuse just collecting dust, trying to get rid of it.
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CentralMOBuck;2063260; said:
Newegg - Galaxy Nexus

AT&T and T-Mobile customers can get the phone out of contract for the low price of $700. What the hell is Verizon doing with this phone? It would be safe to assume they are going to piss off Google with all their delays and never get another true Google phone.
It's the HTC Merge all over again :(
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