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Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

Jean Lafitte;1019658; said:

No doubt about it. It's an honor to play OSU in this game. OSU is one of the very greatest college football programs of all-time. Woody Hayes, though he passed away long ago, is permanently woven into the fabric of the college football game.

If LSU can manage to win this game, I will drop to my knees and Thank God for our Good Fortune.

It is a real Honor to play OSU.

Greetings JL.
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While I'll agree that there could certainly be a blowout, I think both teams will bring their A game. OSU learned some valuable lessons last year about the importance of preparation and focus after the title game. In a shitty way I think last year's game will be invaluable for this year's team.
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Fundamentally both teams try to do the same things. Play great defense and control the ball and the clock on offense. We have the ability to stretch the field with Robo and Small much like what I have seen with Doucet for LSU. This game is going to come down to who executes better on the offensive line. Dorsey is a major problem and we have to find a way to keep him blocked, much like you need to find a way to keep Gholston from getting constant pressure from the edges. The way he is playing right now he is virtually unblockable. We all get to watch two defensive lineman who are out of this world.
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Nutriaitch;1019649; said:
This sounds a lot like us. Anyone who thinks it's impossible for this game to be a blowout is kidding them selves. If OSU brings their A game, and we come out flat like we did against Arky, I wouldn't be surprised if the Buckeyes run away with it.

At the same time, if LSU comes out like they did against Va Tech, while OSU starts slow. We are definitely capable of running it up on y'all as well.

I think the key is who comes out swining the hardest early, and who can withstand the others best punch the best. If both teams show up and play like thy're capable of playing, we got all the makings of a great game. Maybe one good enough to rival the Texas/USC game in the media's eyes.

Points well-taken, as have all of your points been so far. Would personally like to welcome you to the site.

Both teams are in this game for a reason, and I'd love to be more famiiliar with your team than I am, but I'm counting on guys like you to "enlighten" me over the next month.

That being said, and I'm obviously a "homer" but I can't really see anybody running it up on our defense. This years "D" is much like that of our 2002 team which basically means we're gonna be "in" every game we play. That's not to say that our offense won't give up points, like they did to scUM State. This is a classic "Tressel-Ball" matchup. We're gonna come hard on defense, put huge emphasis on our Special Teams, and take opportunities on offense as they come. I really see this game as "deja-vu" of the 2002 NC game against Miami. It's not gonna be a shootout, and offensive "speed" will not win this game. It will come down to turnovers, plain and simple. Almost like a game that one team doesn't "win" as much as the other team "loses." Think of it as a "race to 21." At the end of regulation, if one of these two teams has "21" on the board, they will be the winner.

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WoodyWorshiper;1020010; said:
I'd love to be more famiiliar with your team than I am, but I'm counting on guys like you to "enlighten" me over the next month.

Well, other than the Va Tech game, we have been a notoriously slow starting team. Hell even Tulane and La Tech were in it at the half. I'm actually kinda hoping y'all are up by a TD (not any more than that though)around the end of 3rd beginning of 4th quarter. For some reason, that's when we start actually making plays.
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Jean Lafitte;1019658; said:

No doubt about it. It's an honor to play OSU in this game. OSU is one of the very greatest college football programs of all-time. Woody Hayes, though he passed away long ago, is permanently woven into the fabric of the college football game.

If LSU can manage to win this game, I will drop to my knees and Thank God for our Good Fortune.

It is a real Honor to play OSU.

An amazing compliment.

I am speechless...
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Again, let me reiterate how good it is to have you LSU fans up here--y'all if that makes you feel more at home. What a great, respectful discussion of the two teams (strengths and weaknesses) and the possibilities inherent in the upcoming NC game. Compared to this time last year.....

LSU fan circa 12.2007

Florida Fan circa 12.2006

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no but it does look like Kevin Bacon

Also about Beanie not being the best ya'll have faced...

I believe beanie is the best at what he does. Maybe not the most dangerous, but as far as running between the tackles you won't face a better runner. Saying he's not as good as Felix from akransas is an insult to Beanie, and you'll realize that after next year when Beanie is in the top 5 of the NFL draft. He's 240 with 4.5 speed and is very good at finding holes. I agree mcfadden is better overall right now, but only because of his speed. I'd take Beanie's combo of size, strength, and speed over Mcfadden but thats just me. So I believe comparing beanie to mcfadden is apple's and oranges.They're both great backs but both do what they do best.

Beanie with the power and Mcfadden with the speed. Hopefully Beanie can be as effective as Mcfadden was though.
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Nutriaitch;1020013; said:
Well, other than the Va Tech game, we have been a notoriously slow starting team. Hell even Tulane and La Tech were in it at the half. I'm actually kinda hoping y'all are up by a TD (not any more than that though)around the end of 3rd beginning of 4th quarter. For some reason, that's when we start actually making plays.

I would never "punk" a new rival who has been as cool as you, but one question I'd like your opinion on is the two 3OT losses you guys have. You know, the "true champions rise to the occasion" line, and all that. Thats 2 losses to teams that you were prohibitive favorites against that came down to "crunch time" and your boys didn't come through. That's not exactly backing up your "making plays" point.

Again, not trying to be the "dickhead" that my wife swears up and down that I am, I'd just like your opinion of what's really up if you guys are in a "brawl" late in the game.

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WoodyWorshiper;1020034; said:
I would never "punk" a new rival who has been as cool as you, but one question I'd like your opinion on is the two 3OT losses you guys have. You know, the "true champions rise to the occasion" line, and all that. Thats 2 losses to teams that you were prohibitive favorites against that came down to "crunch time" and your boys didn't come through. That's not exactly backing up your "making plays" point.

Again, not trying to be the "dickhead" that my wife swears up and down that I am, I'd just like your opinion of what's really up if you guys are in a "brawl" late in the game.


Let's just say this. We have plenty experience playing in close games as in we keep our composure. I don't like to pull out the we were banged up excuse but, you can't deny that LSU had been banged up ever since the end of the VT game and playing Florida, away at Kentucky and then coming back to play our big Auburn rival 3 consecutive weeks pays a heavy toll, but we won't use that as an excuse. We have only played to our capabilities a few times, at least for a full game.

If you look at all of our close games, with the exception of Kentucy, LSU did in fact "make plays" and mighty big plays to win or force the opportunity to win. In the end, if a team is always in a position to win against solid competition and succeed a vast majority of the time, then they are a good time. So in my book both LSU and OSU are very familiar in these areas. Now, that was just about as PC as I can put it. :)
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But every team/fan base will claim the team hasn't played up to standards even if the team is undefeated or 12-1. For me I still feel OSU is yet to play a complete game. Maybe against NW but that game was such a joke. I don't remember but who did LSU get banged up in the Tech game? I mean that game was a debacle on many levels why were LSU players still playing late in the game??? I didn't notice LSU being banged up till after the Auburn game when dorsey got cheap shotted. Thing is every team in college football is banged up. Look at OSU for instance...

Our starting TB had a bumb ankle, knee, and hamstring problems. We didn't even have our 2nd option at tailback and our 3rd option was dinged up with a concussion/knee problems. Our D-line has been all banged up. Worthington with a hamstring, delinger with a thigh bruise, Wilson with a broken leg, Gholston with a bumb ankle, Rose with a hurt something, Homan turf toe, and Russel with a ankle. I don't think injuries have been as major as LSU fans might think. I think LSU beat up on Va tech and gave the fans a false sence of what was to come, and LSU fans were just disappointed they didn't dominate like they did that game. I mean I dont' care how you win in the SEC just winning is a testament to your team! If you win and get to the NCG ya don't have to look back and make excuses for certain close games/loses or having injuries because every team has them its the good teams like LSU/OSU that will over come that and get to a NCG when others couldn't.
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The Woody video of him dotting the "i" is great.

This will be a tough game. It's funny to me how fans of both schools are confident in their offenses, when it's the D on both sides that is ranked so slowly. Thus is life in college these day. I also think points will be scored. It'll take well over 20 to win for either side.
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bukIpower;1020043; said:
I didn't notice LSU being banged up till after the Auburn game when dorsey got cheap shotted. Thing is every team in college football is banged up.
Matt Flynn/Damon: High ankle sprain during VT game. Missed the next game completely and didn't really come back to full strength really until Auburn.

Early Doucet: After VT game, freak groin injury during a walk through. Missed 5 games (4 if you count the one play he was in for UK, as a decoy). First catch after injury was during the Auburn game. Flynn averaged 233 passing yards with Doucet, only 150 without him.
[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=idNQS6k8SqQ]YouTube - LSU Football - Flynn to Doucet in Triple Coverage[/ame]

The big thing we missed about not having those 2 playing together was consistency and leadership on offense. Demetrius Byrd stepped up big time though. Doucet, the lone senior WR will probably be the only WR not in the scheme next season.

Charles Alexander: Tore his ACL in a practice before the Florida game. Probably out for the title game

Ricky Jean-Francois: Missed entire regular season because he got hurt by his academic performance. Will be playing in title game.

Darry Beckwith: Bum knee but happened late in the season. Should be 100% for title game. Hampered him during the R-Kansas game

Glenn Dorsey: Ever since the cheap chop block, he's been fighting off injury. Even in the UK game he went down. He's started every game and has so much heart playing through pain. It hurts to watch him walk. I hope he heals up 100% if not for the title game, then for a great NFL career which he is sure to have. BTW: Dorsey is one of the nicest guys you could ever meet.
Notice who Dorsey just embarrasses...

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=0-LkCvNK2iM]YouTube - LSU's Glenn Dorsey = Domination[/ame]

Now notice who threw the illegal, uncalled chop block.

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=vqiLlOybz9s]YouTube - Auburn Cheap Shot on LSU's Glenn Dorsey[/ame]

I guess it's not a whole lot of injury in the big picture but the one's who did get injured, we missed them dearly when they weren't 100%, but such is life. I also should point out Holliday injured his ankle and missed out the Arky game, which I believe would have help us out tremendously.

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OSU has their fair share of injuries as well:

QB Boeckman - whacked throwing hand on helmet late in Wisconsin game. Had control issues in next 2 games (ILL, UM), unclear what role injury played. Should be healthy.

RB Beanie Wells - Bone chips (ankle), broken thumb, ankle sprain. Should play well, through the pain, like all year.

RB Mo Wells - sprained ankle, left Illinois game in 3rd qtr, got one garbage time carry late vs UM. Should be healthy.

RB Saine - tore up knee, had midseason surgery and returned, but has never been the same since, especially speed-wise. (10.28 100m at 210 lbs) Not sure if he'll be healthy again, part of it is a trust thing. His soft hands also make him a threat in the passing game, could be a matchup issue if he's 100%.

WR Robiskie - Injured knee in 3 td game vs NW. Noticeable difference since. Should be healthier.

DE Wilson - OSU's best DE, broke leg early in season. Hoping to return for bowl (up in air). Very good pass rusher, but distances himself from Gholston in run defense. In his stead, OSU is playing true frosh Cam Heyward. (rivals frosh all-american) Hopeful for return, but still iffy.

DT Denlinger - OSU's best DT, only veteran. Missed much of this season, either entire games or all but a few plays... most noticeable during PSU-ILL stretch. Should be closer to healthy.

DL Rose - very athletic hybrid, has been nicked up all year. Dominated this offseason lining up (especially inside), not sure if he'll be fully healed by jan.

LB Homan - option 1b at WLB with Freeman in 06. Out virtually all year, unlikely to return.

LB Terry - option 1b at SLB in 06, best run stopper. Like Homan, missed year and will not return. Medical redshirt.

Those are the well documented ones. Plenty of other nicked up guys.
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