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Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

OCBucksFan;1020022; said:
An amazing compliment.

I am speechless...

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bukIpower;1020033; said:
Also about Beanie not being the best ya'll have faced...

I believe beanie is the best at what he does. Maybe not the most dangerous, but as far as running between the tackles you won't face a better runner. Saying he's not as good as Felix from akransas is an insult to Beanie,

I've never really watched Beanie play, so I can't really make a comparison. I will say this about Felix Jones though. He'd be a heisman candidate if he weren't teammates with McFadden. Dude is GOOD. Just doesn't get the pub that McFadden does.

WoodyWorshiper;1020034; said:
I would never "punk" a new rival who has been as cool as you, but one question I'd like your opinion on is the two 3OT losses you guys have. You know, the "true champions rise to the occasion" line, and all that. Thats 2 losses to teams that you were prohibitive favorites against that came down to "crunch time" and your boys didn't come through. That's not exactly backing up your "making plays" point.

Again, not trying to be the "dickhead" that my wife swears up and down that I am, I'd just like your opinion of what's really up if you guys are in a "brawl" late in the game.


Fair questions. At Kentucky, Woodson beat our D. That simple no excuses. On 4th and 2 of our last possession, we ran Scott off tackle. A play that has gained 2 yards or more 98% of the time we run it. The Tackle missed his block completely,, and Scott got blown up. Ball game.

In the Arky game, I can point to 2 plays in OT that cost us. The only 2 plays that I really question the Coaching staffs decision making. We scored a TD in the first OT. Arky, trying to tie it up had 4th and 10. We didn't blitz Casey Dick. At ALL. If we pressure him, he's gonna make a mistake, he almost always does. Then on our last 2pt conversion (that would have tied it), we ran the EXACT same slant route to the same receiver against the same DB 3 previous times in goal line situations in that game. The DB jumped the route. INT, ballgame.
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Not too concerned, I would be way more worried if we played ya'll last year. The only type of team that has given LSU trouble this yr, is one with a mobile QB. I honestly think WV could probably take us. OSU basically has a pretty vanilla offense which will challenge our front 4. I like our chances.
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I hope the LSU coaches think the same way as you though because what we do on offense is not Vanilla. People have this perception that we line up and only run the I-formation offense? We do throw the ball and we will throw short, deep, side to side, we'll run screens, well hit you up the middle with the run, we'll run it outside, and we'll run draws. We do everything a standard college offense normally does.

We are on the same page however with the fact that we both are glad to not playing WVU. I think WVU is a tougher matchup for our defense than LSU is. Just like you think the same.
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bukIpower;1020611; said:
I hope the LSU coaches think the same way as you though because what we do on offense is not Vanilla. People have this perception that we line up and only run the I-formation offense? We do throw the ball and we will throw short, deep, side to side, we'll run screens, well hit you up the middle with the run, we'll run it outside, and we'll run draws. We do everything a standard college offense normally does.

We are on the same page however with the fact that we both are glad to not playing WVU. I think WVU is a tougher matchup for our defense than LSU is. Just like you think the same.

i promise you the coaches do not think the OSU offense is vanilla.
i saw a couple OSU games and i know you can pass deep.
as far as wvu goes i would rather play them .......i mean come on they lost at home to PITT.
now i know you will say well we lost to ARK but remember they have 2
insane running backs.
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I understand the Ya'll thing pretty well, I live in Florida. Anyway...I am disappointed that Les Miles isn't coming to scUM. We can't add any L's to his name(as in L for Lose)!!!Lol. BUT there might be one more added to his name Jan.7th.

GO BUCKEYES!!!!!:osu:

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haahahha that was good Sandgk...

I mean I guess I should withdrawl what I said early.. I would've been more confident with WVU in the NCG, but I think WVU would've put up more points on us. LSU's offense is good but WVU would be our krytonite thats for sure.

Anyways I wanna ask LSU fans how would you want to game plan for our bucks?? I didn't wanna start a thread on it so lets here your imput on that here if ya would do that for us!

GO BUCKS! or can we say it Geux Bux?
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bukIpower;1020931; said:
Anyways I wanna ask LSU fans how would you want to game plan for our bucks?? I didn't wanna start a thread on it so lets here your imput on that here if ya would do that for us!

First, on D I would go back to what we did earlier in the year. I would pressure Boekman. A LOT. Our DBs are adequate, but not great. If we put pressure on the QB and force early/bad throws, they won't be expossed as bad (in theory). Jean-Francois is back, which should help Tyson Jackson wreak havoc again on the D-Line. Highsmith, Beckwith, and Sanders (our LBs) have to play a great game.

On offense, pound Hester early and often. Get the safeties creeping up and in. change it up with Williams and Perrilloux on the option, with a pinch of Holliday every now and then (just because I like watching that lil bastid run). All we want Flynn to do is mange the game. Don't try to do more than you're capable of doing. Mistakes will kill us if we make them. Perrilloux will get touches, but not too many. Early will probably get some double teams, so I'd try to get the mismatch either on Byrd or Toliver and hit it until OSU adjusts. Use the TE to keep the LBs honest and not just give them a free rush on every pass play.
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Tigerkid05;1017957; said:
I also think y'all worship Woody Hayes to much, but not to the Nth degree like the Bama gumps worship Bear, but still. I know he was a great coach but, he punched a kid in the neck during a game, a southern boy at that. I guess we've never really had a coach with such significance at LSU, maybe ole' Cholly Mac.

I'm the resident old fart on the board, old enough to remember listening to a Friday night broadcast from someplace called "Baa Tun Rou gze" and hearing the goings on of one Billy Cannon. That was the era of single platoon football and Cholly Mac (My bad, it was Paul Dietzel, thanks to Tigerkid05) was winning games by throwing in a bunch of 2s and 3s and calling them "The Chinese Bandits." "Defensive specialists," he claimed, but it was great psychology. They played their hearts out in their one or two series a game and gave the 1s a much needed rest. It made me fascinated with LSU football, but then you came up on some lean times and you turned to one of Woody's own, a tough, hard nosed kid named Bo Rein to turn things around. He once impaled himself on a chain link fence going after a fly ball while playing outfield for the basball buckeyes. He was just starting to revitalize the LSU program when he disappeared into thin air... literally... flying his private jet to meet a recruit.

I can understand that an outsider might look at Woody and see only the incident with Charlie Bauman of Clemson.

I had the coach for his football class and will never forget the experience. On his first class he informed us that there would be a quiz at the end of each week and that the first ten questions would be on current events and the second ten would be about football. Note which came first. "You guys are going to be out there as teachers first and coaches second and that's as it should be. You're not much use to anyone if the only thing you know is football." Note also that the guy TAUGHT two courses, one on football and one on military history. When the campus was going to hell in a hand basket in 1970 it was Coach Hayes alone of all the faculty who was willing to come out on the campus and speak to the students. The rest of them, liberals and conservatives, hid in their offices. The man was a dynamo in finding ways to help or at least visit the kids at Children's Hospital. The day after he defeated USC and OJ Simpson he flew to Vietnam on a very low key, beneath the radar, visit to the troops.

In an age when coaches are demanding and receiving outrageous sums of money it is well to remember that Woody insisted that he not be paid any more than the highest paid professor on the faculty. The man clearly understood that the mission of the university is to educate.

And if that's why "y'all worship Woody Hayes to(o) much," then we are all seriously short of "too much" these days.
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cincibuck;1021136; said:
you turned to one of Woody's own, a tough, hard nosed kid named Bo Rein to turn things around.

I have always been curious about what could have been. From what I've read, he was putting together a good recruiting class that year. It's a shame he never even got to coach a game for us.
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cincibuck;1021136; said:
I'm the resident old fart on the board, old enough to remember listening to a Friday night broadcast from someplace called "Baa Tun Rou gze" and hearing the goings on of one Billy Cannon. That was the era of single platoon football and Cholly Mac was winning games by throwing in a bunch of 2s and 3s and calling them "The Chinese Bandits." "Defensive specialists," he claimed, but it was great psychology. They played their hearts out in their one or two series a game and gave the 1s a much needed rest. It made me fascinated with LSU football, but then you came up on some lean times and you turned to one of Woody's own, a tough, hard nosed kid named Bo Rein to turn things around. He once impaled himself on a chain link fence going after a fly ball while playing outfield for the basball buckeyes. He was just starting to revitalize the LSU program when he disappeared into thin air... literally... flying his private jet to meet a recruit.

I can understand that an outsider might look at Woody and see only the incident with Charlie Bauman of Clemson.

I had the coach for his football class and will never forget the experience. On his first class he informed us that there would be a quiz at the end of each week and that the first ten questions would be on current events and the second ten would be about football. Note which came first. "You guys are going to be out there as teachers first and coaches second and that's as it should be. You're not much use to anyone if the only thing you know is football." Note also that the guy TAUGHT two courses, one on football and one on military history. When the campus was going to hell in a hand basket in 1970 it was Coach Hayes alone of all the faculty who was willing to come out on the campus and speak to the students. The rest of them, liberals and conservatives, hid in the offices. The man was a dynamo in finding ways to help or at least visit the kids at Children's Hospital. The day after he defeated USC and OJ Simpson he flew to Vietnam on a very low key, beneath the radar, visit to the troops.

In an age when coaches are demanding and receiving outrageous sums of money it is well to remember that Woody insisted that he not be paid any more than the highest paid professor on the faculty. The man clearly understood that the mission of the university is to educate.

And if that's why "y'all worship Woody Hayes to(o) much," then we are all seriously short of "too much" these days.

Yeah the we still celebrate the Chinese Bandits with a cheer after we make teams punt (We "bow down" to our defense). Paul Dietzel was actually the coach when the Chinese Bandits were around. What a revolutionary idea putting in a whole other team to keep LSU fresh.

But, I agree with the whole Woody thing. I was just trying to get a little reaction out of y'all. From all that I've read, Woody was not only a good coach, he was an even better man.

I'm also glad that you mentioned that you listened to LSU on the radio. I'm not trying to imply that you are old when I say this but, when I lived in Ohio, both my best friends Grandfather and my ex-girlfriend grandfather both said they listened to LSU football games at night when LSU was one of the only schools playing at night after I mentioned that I was an LSU fan and was from Baton Rouge. A lot of people became kind of secondary LSU fans that way. I could listen to those stories for hours. :)
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Cinci, you might add that Woody drove an old pickup truck, and lived in a modest home for his long coaching career at Ohio State. My USoCal buddy in USAF visited Woody one August (72?) in Columbus...Woody spent almost an hour with the USC guy, discussed the USAF in Europe and never once mentioned football. (This during summer camp...can you imagine?) He gave my buddy an autographed cy of his book, inscribed to "a loyal Trojan fan". Absolutely mesmerized my friend, who never forgot Woody for the remainder of his life.
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cincibuck;1021136; said:
I'm the resident old fart on the board, old enough to remember listening to a Friday night broadcast from someplace called "Baa Tun Rou gze" and hearing the goings on of one Billy Cannon. That was the era of single platoon football and Cholly Mac was winning games by throwing in a bunch of 2s and 3s and calling them "The Chinese Bandits." "Defensive specialists," he claimed, but it was great psychology. They played their hearts out in their one or two series a game and gave the 1s a much needed rest. It made me fascinated with LSU football, but then you came up on some lean times and you turned to one of Woody's own, a tough, hard nosed kid named Bo Rein to turn things around. He once impaled himself on a chain link fence going after a fly ball while playing outfield for the basball buckeyes. He was just starting to revitalize the LSU program when he disappeared into thin air... literally... flying his private jet to meet a recruit.

I can understand that an outsider might look at Woody and see only the incident with Charlie Bauman of Clemson.

I had the coach for his football class and will never forget the experience. On his first class he informed us that there would be a quiz at the end of each week and that the first ten questions would be on current events and the second ten would be about football. Note which came first. "You guys are going to be out there as teachers first and coaches second and that's as it should be. You're not much use to anyone if the only thing you know is football." Note also that the guy TAUGHT two courses, one on football and one on military history. When the campus was going to hell in a hand basket in 1970 it was Coach Hayes alone of all the faculty who was willing to come out on the campus and speak to the students. The rest of them, liberals and conservatives, hid in the offices. The man was a dynamo in finding ways to help or at least visit the kids at Children's Hospital. The day after he defeated USC and OJ Simpson he flew to Vietnam on a very low key, beneath the radar, visit to the troops.

In an age when coaches are demanding and receiving outrageous sums of money it is well to remember that Woody insisted that he not be paid any more than the highest paid professor on the faculty. The man clearly understood that the mission of the university is to educate.

And if that's why "y'all worship Woody Hayes to(o) much," then we are all seriously short of "too much" these days.

wow! GPA. :bow:
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