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Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

WoodyWorshiper;1018839; said:
Excellent Thread and a great job by our "rival" Tiger posters so far. I've been over to their scout site, and so far, a pretty cool group of "Cats." Most of the punking over there is coming from fans of other SEC schools. These guys from LSU look like that they might be "keepers,"

In reading the posts, I was laughing at some of the Tiger fans substitutions for "bad words." Not to promote, but the George Carlin rules do not apply here:

Tits (which really didn't belong on the list)

Don't abuse, but a "heartfelt" expletive from time to time does help get y'er point across y'all.:beer:


i came over from tigerforums.com and i think some of y'all, sorry, you guys are over there. maybe? i don't know. we have some knowledgeable people over there who are always looking for a good football conversation. so check it out if you wish or, get the fuck over there.:biggrin:
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smith403;1018762; said:
Brings up a good question. How do y'all like the Big Ten network? I've wathced a little of it this year, and would love to have that type of setup available for the SEC.

Most folks around C-Bus don't get it (time-warner)...announcers are sub-par...total package (game coverage, camera angles, etc.) probably grades out at a D-/C+...hopefully it will only get better

I actually love the B10 network - it keeps me sane out here in Cali ... They do run great highlights and have a B10 angle on everything, which is refreshing after watching ESPN. Its also cool to catch the other B10 sports from time to time and they have all the interviews with the coaches, etc. etc. I think their college football analysis has gotten better over the course of the season too. I re-DVR'd the scUM game two nights ago too - love the replays.

I wish they would have a soundbite contest between J Lehman and Kirk Barton - the two of the them have absolutely priceless interviews.
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parrotdr;1018339; said:
Hopefully he's out of Les' doghouse and will stay out of trouble now, since he's our best hope at QB for the next two years.

Should be a great game.

Don't know if you remember... but we had a pretty decent QB a few years ago not travel to a game because he was in the dog house. Ended up winning some little award down the road. Turned out the game was a bowl game, and I don't have to tell you about the award :wink:

That's proof that if a kid can make a mistake, he can learn from it. I hope for you guys that whatever it was that he did, that he learned from it.

Hate to see a kid have off field issues. It's a hard life those players have with school, sports and pressures of being 18 - 22 years old... Not to mention the shady boosters out there who think they are doing a kid a favor when all they are doing is putting our beloved schools in serious harms way.

Here's to a great game in a great town!

From a Buckeye, here's my local favorites in NOLA:
1) The Napoleon House -- Good steak. Pimms (sp?) Cup is the house drink. Don't know that I care much for it, but it was worth the taste.

2) The Palace Cafe -- Shrimp Tchefuncte is my favoite dish there. So good that I bought one of the recipe books because this was in there.

3) Poboys -- Have had a lot of top shelf Shrimp Poboys all over town. Not sure that you can really go wrong there. Just load up those shrimp (which are about the size of a small cat in these parts :wink:

4) Coffee -- Chicory coffee is a real treat. Don't drink it up here... can't tell you why... but I also can tell you that I drink way too much of it when I visit ya'll.

5) Bourbon Street -- What can you say. Anything (I mean anything) you want and some things you can't get rid of with a shot of penicillin can be found here.

... and finally... one of my best memories of Nola from a couple of years ago. Was down there working with a client and headed out to explore the town after work one night. Was walking toward Bourbon by what must have been a Sports Authority or the like. Sporting goods store anyhow. So, I'm walking up on this store and I see what looks like a Buckeye jersey hanging in the window. The number on the jersey is "4." So, I'm thinking to myself... The last time any Buck had a 4 on their jersey that would be hanging in a window was... and then I see the back of the jersey... sure enough: Herbstreit. Turns out that College Game Day was in BR that weekend. Nice to have seen the 'ol colors down there though.

Ya'll have a great team and town down there. I can't say enough nice things about the people or hospitality that I've received.

Now, let 'em line up and let the hitting begin. Best team wins!

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So I'll bite on the actual question of this post.

What do LSU fans think of tOSU?

From what I've seen:

Incredibly well coached, well disciplined, technically sound, very good offensive line, good defense against traditional offenses.

But also: conservative, "3 yards and a cloud of dust" type O, and SLLLOWWWWW and plodding.

Sorry, that just seems to be the consensus among LSU fans.

Now, as for what I think:

Mostly all of that. I think tOSU's primary edge against LSU is coaching. You guys are much more fundamentally sound, more disciplined, and probably a lot smarter. Your coaching staff can scheme and get a team ready to play on game day, and also, for the most part, make good game time adjustments. All things I don't think LSU is nearly as adept at.

I do think LSU is more physically gifted at virtually every skill position. Ok, at every skill position (and that includes running back, actually). Linebackers will give the edge to OSU (LSU very rarely plays a 3LB set, we're almost always in nickel or dime with another Safety).

I also think the matchups favor LSU to some degree:

On offense, the Tigers run a hybrid of a more traditional offense and the spread option. The OSU defense was given problems against the spread. Both Perrilloux and Flynn are mobile, and that could give you guys some problems.

On defense, LSU tends to do VERY well against "traditional" offenses like OSU's, but tends to get shredded against gimick offenses or the Spread Option. Just look at when Arkansas ran the Wildcat Formation or when Ole Miss switched to the mobile qb/spread.

In short: I believe LSU is probably more talented, but OSU is certainly much more fundamentally sound. It should be interesting.
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smith403;1018623; said:
Believe there was some extra padding in this schedule as well.
Thu, Aug 30
Mississippi St. *

at Starkville, Miss. (Davis Wade Stadium)
7:00 p.m.
W, 45-0

Sat, Sep 08
#9 Virginia Tech

Baton Rouge, La. (Tiger Stadium)
8:15 p.m.
W, 48-7

Sat, Sep 15
Middle Tennessee

Baton Rouge, La. (Tiger Stadium)
7:00 p.m.
W, 44-0

Sat, Sep 22
#12 South Carolina *

Baton Rouge, La. (Tiger Stadium)
2:30 p.m.
W, 28-16

Sat, Sep 29

at New Orleans, La. (Louisiana Superdome)
11:00 a.m.
W, 34-9

Sat, Oct 06
#9 Florida *

Baton Rouge, La. (Tiger Stadium)
7:28 p.m.
W, 28-24

Sat, Oct 13
#17 Kentucky *

at Lexington, Ky. (Commonwealth Stadium)
2:30 p.m.
L, 37-43 (3OT)

Sat, Oct 20
#18 Auburn *

Baton Rouge, La. (Tiger Stadium)
8:00 p.m.
W, 30-24

Sat, Nov 03
#17 Alabama *

at Tuscaloosa, Ala. (Bryant-Denny Stadium)
4:00 p.m.
W, 41-34

Sat, Nov 10
Louisiana Tech (HC)

Baton Rouge, La. (Tiger Stadium)
7:00 p.m.
W, 58-10

Sat, Nov 17
Ole Miss *

at Oxford, Miss. (Vaught-Hemingway Stadium)
2:30 p.m.
W, 41-24

Fri, Nov 23
Arkansas *

Baton Rouge, La. (Tiger Stadium)
1:30 p.m.
L, 48-50 (3OT)

SEC Championship Game

Sat, Dec 01
#14 Tennessee

at Atlanta, Ga. (Georgia Dome)
3:00 p.m.
W, 21-14
Why dont you post your sch. on the side of this one and let us compare?
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If you're referring to the Illinois game then it is the read option that we struggled against not the spread. I actually think our D matches up nicely with the LSU offense. Should be fun to watch. My concern is moving the ball consistently on offense. The OSU offensive line will be the key. Of course, nothing genius about that statement. Either way, good luck. I beleive the real OSU shows up and it will be a competitive game start to finish.

Go Bucks!
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WooTown Buck;1019627; said:
I beleive the real OSU shows up and it will be a competitive game start to finish.

This sounds a lot like us. Anyone who thinks it's impossible for this game to be a blowout is kidding them selves. If OSU brings their A game, and we come out flat like we did against Arky, I wouldn't be surprised if the Buckeyes run away with it.

At the same time, if LSU comes out like they did against Va Tech, while OSU starts slow. We are definitely capable of running it up on y'all as well.

I think the key is who comes out swining the hardest early, and who can withstand the others best punch the best. If both teams show up and play like thy're capable of playing, we got all the makings of a great game. Maybe one good enough to rival the Texas/USC game in the media's eyes.
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One of the All-Time Great college football programs.

Bleed S & G;1017925; said:
I liked the 'honest opinion' thread.. so what do you Tiger fans think of this Buckeye team heading down to NOLA?

No doubt about it. It's an honor to play OSU in this game. OSU is one of the very greatest college football programs of all-time. Woody Hayes, though he passed away long ago, is permanently woven into the fabric of the college football game.

If LSU can manage to win this game, I will drop to my knees and Thank God for our Good Fortune.

It is a real Honor to play OSU.
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