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Alabama Crimson Tide (official thread of Football, Fake Championships and Banjo)

I still don't get the illegal search. Even when I listened to a Bama writer interviewed by Paaaauuuuul they said he had the gun sitting in his lap. Is Louisiana an open carry state? If not did he even have a concealed carry? In Florida even with a CC that could be a felony and definitely would be in you didn't. A visible gun would also be reason to search for other things. On that note, I loved though that they both said it was really strange what the AG said about them bein' hard workers in the heat and all, but it was the right thing to do not to press charges. Then they said that they guessed if it was just an ordinary Joe that he'd be spending some time behind bars. They also said they guessed that Saban wouldn't do a suspension, but would probably make them run stadiums or something, lol. I'm just gonna call it a case of boys will be boys.
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I feel like I should be shocked by this but I'm not. This DA needs removed immediately. His ignorant remarks lead me to believe millions of teenagers are above the law just because they worked and sweat outside? I mean jesus christ what has this fucking world come to?

DA Jones wins 5th term
August 25, 2014
Jerry Jones, already the longest serving 4th District Attorney in modern history, won his fifth, six-year term after no candidate qualified last week to challenge him in the Nov. 4 election.

When Jones, D-Mer Rouge, won his first term in 1990, the former criminal defense attorney never thought it would be a long-term career move.

“My idea was to serve two terms and come back to my personal law practice,” said Jones, 67.


Do you think it is possible he just found that being a DA is more financially lucrative than maintaining a private law practice?

Just sayin': If you believe that Alabama (and/or it's boosters) have paid (and/or given lavish gifts to) their football players, why would they not try to pay off a DA, especially in (an alleged corrupt state like) Louisiana? Besides anyone can make a generous donation to a DA's reelection campaign and it is perfectly legal.
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So I could theoretically have an orange cream margarita in one hand and a gun on my lap driving through Louisiana and as long as the drink had a fucking lid on it, be within my legal rights?
Wait a damn minute, Jax.... you'd have to demonstrate that you worked and sweated as an adolescent and teen while others were enjoying air conditioning. Don't get ahead of your burden of proof.
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Tunsil lost millions when he slid due to recreational drug use and alleged cash gifts. That is child's play compared to illegal drug and weapon possession.

Robinson was likely headed for 10+ million on draft day before this incident.

If they did conduct an illegal search or even an inadmissible one, the clueless citizen in me wonders if they could face a lawsuit with some pretty substantial damages (and legitimate ones). Obviously I do not know the law.

If that's what happened, then the DA might be engaging in a pretty solid misdirection. They would look incompetent and shady either way, but this way everyone is focusing on his absurdity at choosing to drop the case instead of the incompetence that is possibly hiding beneath the surface.

my first thought is that im not sure how you would be able to "prove" he was going to get 10+ million on draft day. with the way the draft works, im not sure there is a physical way to prove that. but beyond that i would think there would be the glass houses argument. ie if you are the drug using committing multiple felonies type. its probably best to NOT pick fights in a court of law with cops about catching you doing so incorrectly. probably not gonna end overly well for you me thinks. prolly best to just leave it alone :p.

Yeah, except this arrest was in Louisiana, of Alabama football players.

Odd outcome.


Sooooo driving around with a gun on your lap is legal in Louisiana?

Did I read that right?

i don't know about driving around with it in your lap, but i believe it is legal to walk around ohio carrying an unloaded firearm openly cc permit or no. pretty sure someone WILL call the cops and i highly recommend playing nice when they show up.... but im pretty sure that is legal.
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I believe in Ohio, and most states, if you have a gun in the car (legally) and are pulled over the first thing you have to do is notify the officer that you have a weapon in your possession and tell him where it's located. If the driver did not notify the officer of possessing a weapon (legally or not) and the officer saw it out in the open then shouldn't that be just cause to search the vehicle? That's if the laws in LA are the same as they are in Ohio.
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