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Alabama 32, Florida 13 (final)

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Merih;1614075; said:
You can't be serious. I'm enjoying that Florida lost, and that Tebow is not going to win the Heisman. But that's all that really happened... you guys are unintentionally building upon what pisses you off about the guy.

I've lived in the heart of darkness with this bullshit for 4 fucking years. Actually make it 5 because Baby Jesus went to HS less than 5 miles from me.
You don't have any idea.
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I don't even care if he's a good person or not.

I just think it's a little ridiculous for so many people to be getting a boner over this guy crying a month after being up-in-arms over the Terrelle Cryer t-shirts.
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Don't worry, I wasn't outraged about that. I've always been a "you've got to take the jeers with the cheers" kind of guy. He survived four years of media ballwashing, I'm sure he'll get over a group of bitter Ohioans being happy to see him fail.
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jlb1705;1614122; said:
I don't even care if he's a good person or not.

I just think it's a little ridiculous for so many people to be getting a boner over this guy crying a month after being up-in-arms over the Terrelle Cryer t-shirts.

I would agree if people made and bought t-shirts of Tebow crying.

(I wasn't outraged at the shirts, although I thought they were immature - rooting against the guy who is the best player on a team that I now hate, and is/was a threat to Archie's two Heismans is a little different IMO)
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FrancisSawyer;1613931; said:
Yea did you see the USC crowd today? They have a good season (statistically), but not great, and there are plenty of ship jumpers already. There was a huge section of seats empty in the coliseum today. I guess they were at the beach smokin' a doob?

USC "fans" have been that way forever. I expected nothing else from them.
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Jaxbuck;1614100; said:
I've lived in the heart of darkness with this bullshit for 4 fucking years. Actually make it 5 because Baby Jesus went to HS less than 5 miles from me.
You don't have any idea.

You're spot on. I was in Jacksonville for an internship living in Ponte Vedra, and anytime I mentioned where I went to school I got a load of shit. Florida fans gave me hell 24/7.
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Roll Tide!!!! Great game by the 'Phants.

"Soul cleansing", as it were, a great man once said...:biggrin:

Like the song says, "We just beat the Hell out of you..." Honest people, those Alabamians.

I look forward to seeing Tim and company in N'Awlins. Hey, if the worst sports day of the year is the day we locked the BCS Sugar Bowl, well then....thank you, Football Gods. And I hope you appreciate the Libations I've been pouring. In fact......adult beverage number seven coming up.:beer:

As to the BCSCG: SEC - SEC -SEC!!! :p
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wells;1614138; said:
You're spot on. I was in Jacksonville for an internship living in Ponte Vedra, and anytime I mentioned where I went to school I got a load of shit. Florida fans gave me hell 24/7.

...and Ponte Vedra is where the rich people live. The three drunken contractors hanging out of a work truck flipping your wife and kids off for having an OSU license plate frame is the type of stuff that builds up after a while.

Our resident Gator fan excepted, the rest of them can suck dick in hell.
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Gatorubet;1614148; said:
Roll Tide!!!! Great game by the 'Phants.

"Soul cleansing", as it were, a great man once said...:biggrin:

Like the song says, "We just beat the Hell out of you..." Honest people, those Alabamians.

I look forward to seeing Tim and company in N'Awlins. Hey, if the worst sports day of the year is the day we locked the BCS Sugar Bowl, well then....thank you, Football Gods. And I hope you appreciate the Libations I've been pouring. In fact......adult beverage number seven coming up.:beer:

As to the BCSCG: SEC - SEC -SEC!!! :p

Look at it this way - last time you played a team from Ohio in a BCS game you beat the shit out of them.

Congrats in advance for your BCS game win. :wink2:
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I feel about Tebow as I do about Tiger Woods, I cannot stand them, and I am absolutely estatic when they lose (or is it loose) I also understand why I cannot stand them, the media shoves them down my throat as if they are the greatest humans in the history of the world and have done more for humanity than anyone as well. Tebow is a great college football player, possibly one of the best ever, but I can't understand a word the announcers say during UF games because they're gagging on his [censored]

Great game by Satan's boys yesterday, good game plan and excellent execution, they'll be damn tough to beat, looks like a good possiblity of another SEC lovefest coming up on eSpin, big suprise there, even if it's not without merit.
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Just read this thread and I'm laughing my ass off at all the people who feel they have to justify their hatred for Tim Tebow. Seriously, it's okay to hate him. The media anointed him to this stature and his pure, untainted sole has been shoved down our throats for 4 years now. Do I feel bad about him crying? No. Thought he got outplayed and to see him cry snot bubbles after the game probably made it rain in Bristol. Boy am I glad there is only one more game of Tim Tebow in College Football. Can't wait to hear how they try to hype the sugar bowl again Cincy.
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southcampus;1614573; said:
Just read this thread and I'm laughing my ass off at all the people who feel they have to justify their hatred for Tim Tebow. Seriously, it's okay to hate him. The media anointed him to this stature and his pure, untainted sole has been shoved down our throats for 4 years now. Do I feel bad about him crying? No. Thought he got outplayed and to see him cry snot bubbles after the game probably made it rain in Bristol. Boy am I glad there is only one more game of Tim Tebow in College Football. Can't wait to hear how they try to hype the sugar bowl again Cincy.

I do not like him on a plane
I do not like him on a train
I would not like him in a box
I would not like him with a fox
I do not like him here nor there
I do not like him ANYWHERE
I do not like him, this I know
I do not like this "Tim Tebow"
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That was the ultimate schadenfreude for Buckeye fans...watching the program that gave us the "debacle in the desert" live through a game where they were completely helpless, albeit on a slightly lesser scale. That was utter domination by 'Bama.

As for Tebow, I have no problem whatsoever with Tim Tebow the man. How could I? He seems like an incredible kid. What I take umbrage with is how the media has deified him and how he seems to be so damned in-your-face with his religion and "rah-rah" routine. It's nauseating. I found him crying quite hilarious and all I could think of while that was on my screen was Vito Corleone yelling "YOU CAN BE A MAN!".
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