PayRod is the MVP over Papi.
1. It's Poppy, big Poppy, not Papi.... OK? I can live with "Poppy" Papi??? Why not dot the eye with a heart.... sheesh...
2. The whole DH v. guy who plays the whole game thing
3. PayRod is the better base runner
4. Sears makes a point about Rivera being the Yankee MVP... But still, Payrod is the offensive force that drives the Yanks, and while the MVP can go to a P or an RP, the award is clearly geared towards an offensive player. I think that's fair, since no hitter can with the Cy Young.
5. He (Payrod) looks better in shorts (Gets the homo vote)
All in all, looking strictly at their Offensive production I'd say it like this
Batting Average: Advantage Arod (.318 to .299)
Runs scored: Advantage Arod (122 - 118)
Hits: Advantage Arod 190 - 178
RBI: Advantage Ortiz (147 - 129)
HR: Push (47 - 47)
SB Advantage Arod (21 - 1)
OBP: Advantage Arod (.420 - .396)
Slg: Push (.605 - .605)
OPS: Advantage Arod (1.025 - 1.001)
So, Arod is the better performer at the plate. Add in the fact that the guy also plays 3B, and despite the 5 hole error last night, plays pretty damn well (Especially for a guy who's only played the position for 2 seasons) and the choice is obvious who the AL MVP is.
And it isn't David Ortiz. The guy can hit, don't get me wrong. He's just not as good as Arod.