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Who's the AL MVP?

  • David Ortiz

    Votes: 24 45.3%
  • Alex Rodriguez

    Votes: 20 37.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 17.0%

  • Total voters
I call bullshit on this one.

I DH'ed one year in HS and hit about .460 for the season. DH'ing is not that hard.

Anyone who could give the MVP to a DH over an everyday player has never played a lick of baseball in their life.

I could care less who wins it but I'd vote for A-Rod. If you think DH'ing is hard, try changing from SS to 3B and becoming one of the premier 3b's in the league all while hitting almost 50 HR's with a high avg.

That's more impressive to me.

You dyslexic homo. You hit .046 that season. Don't lie to us. :biggrin:
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Thump said:
I completely disagree with you.

What kind of screwups are you talking about?

I personally think 3rd base is the toughest position to play besides catcher.
he's out of position a lot. i can remember several times where he would be covering third on a ball hit to jeter with a guy coming in from 2nd....only to be completely out of position and botch the whole thing.
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.460 in HS isnt something to brag about..its average.. however theres a small jump in pitching from HS and the MLB, not to mention the number of games where ebing in the field and moving around can help... that point aside, no one has said anything about past winners being judged on fielding..the Wizard of Oz woulda been the MVP 5 or 6 times in a row if that was the case... and im still not sold on ARod being the best yankee even... would love to hear some arguments on why ortiz is only "1/2" the man arod is when past winners havnt been judged on their defensive abilities and is Arod the MVP of the yankees?
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barlow1802: "Just to clear something up, DHing it considered harder to do than playing the field and being in the lineup."

Um, this is highly incorrect. Go tell a Catcher that its harder to DH than to do what he does. Plus, everyday players are considered to be given a "day off" when they're inserted into the line-up as a DH.

But your argument is neither here nor there. And the level of difficulty of the position isn't even remotely involved in determinig who should win the MVP.

Thump: "If you think DH'ing is hard, try changing from SS to 3B and becoming one of the premier 3b's in the league all while hitting almost 50 HR's with a high avg."

I agree with your statement 100%. However, I wouldn't put THAT much stock in moving from SS to 3B. A Gold Glove caliber SS in his prime should be able to easily transition to any corner position. If it was the other way around, then it'd be quite impressive.

BN27: "Am I the only one that thinks that A-Rod isn't that great of a third basemen? He's screwed up a lot over the last 2 years. Not official scorebook errors, but lots of screwups."

A-Rod lead the league in Invisible Screw-Ups this year with 48. He was 3rd in the AL in Screw-Ups that Didn't Exist in '04. I've been campaigning the Elias Sports Bureau to disregard things like Errors, Base-hits, HRs, and Bases on Balls in favor of Imaginary Stats like Invisible Screw-Ups.

By my rationale, the Yankees' starters are 1-9 in the AL in Imaginary Screw-Ups. And have been for the last 20 seasons and counting.
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barlow1802: "and im still not sold on ARod being the best yankee even"

Before I reply to this, let me first state where I'm coming from. I'm a huge Yankee fan. I was born and raised in the Bronx, and I've lived & died with this team all my life. Also, other than scUM, there is no team (college or pro) that I despise more than the Boston Red Sux. When you add in the fact that the Sux have the most annoying loser fan base of all time, well, let me just put it this way: my hatred is close for scUM & the Sux.

Secondly, I love Derek Jeter. Other than Don Mattingly, he is probably my 2nd favorite Yankee of all time. I have followed Jeter's career from the day he was drafted # 6 overall in 1992. I saw him play for the Clippers, and up through today, I've seen his entire career. No matter what the stats have been in the past, I've always said, year after year, that Jeter is a better player than A-Rod. And I still believe that, and always will.

That being said, A-Rod has been a better player than Jeter THIS season. There's no question about it. I watch every game. A-Rod has had a huge, huge season. He's done everything offensively, and then some. He has literally been a force of nature. If Ortiz doesn't win the MVP, then it should be A-Rod. Hands down.

So there you have it. I'm speaking as objectively as possible. A-Rod has been the best player on the Yankees this season.

And FYI: I think Ortiz does deserve the MVP. He's been the best offensive player in baseball in '05. People want to live in the 1960's and not give the DH its just due as actually being a position in baseball, but it is, and has been since 1973.
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