No one WANTS ads, but as HineyBuck touched on, the fundraisers don't bring in tons of money. Frankly, they were never intended to bring in tons of money ... just enough to get by. By the same token, no one DREAMED BP would be over 9,000 members and growing. It's a tough situation, especially with Clarity's health issues. Our costs for operation are rising and will likely never go down. In fact, the service we are getting is at a ridiculously low price as it is.
I'm torn. Not about the ads. Much like everyone else, I say Clarity needs to do this for the future of BP and for his own good. There is no doubt or hesitation in my mind about that. I'm torn because a small part of the BuckeyePlanet dream is dying (for me anyway). Together (as a community) we've built something great. We've covered the costs of operation, upgrades, custom coding ... hell we even footed the bill for a new server. All the things we've done, all the progress we've made, all the friendships that have grown from this project, have been done only by our initiative and imagination ... completely free. Unbelievable! I wish it could continue like that.
I may be speaking out of turn here, but from what I've gathered this isn't just an issue of us not raising enough money as a community. We always raise enough to just scrape by. While that is a dangerous way to operate, it isn't the biggest reason to place ads. Honestly, the fundraisers have become too invasive. Seems like we (lately me) are ALWAYS asking for donations. Creating raffles, auctions, and new ways to squeeze another buck out of our members. What was meant to be VERY low key (fundraising) has taken on it's own life. Frankly, it's probably worse than just having a few ads here and there. At least that way the site remains totally free to our members. They could still give if the desire is there, but it won't be out of guilt or from emergency circumstances (Aaahhh, we need a new server!!!).
Lastly, I believe that the need to move to some advertising stems (in part) from WHO actually donates during the fundraisers. Don't get me wrong, there has NEVER been an expectation for ANYONE to donate. Nor would we EVER let something that trivial affect anyone's experience at BP. The problem is that the SAME group of people are supporting BP. After doing several fundraisers (not very well I might add), I'd place the number of continuing donors at 50 to 100. Yes, probably less than 1% of our membership consistently support BuckeyePlanet in a financial sense. That's OK. Donating has never been a prerequisite. But, I think it pains Clarity to no end that BuckeyePlanet relies on the same group of folks to fund it's future. The same group of friends that will chip in when Clarity has a personal need. THAT is something he can't continue to do from a personal standpoint. I don't think I could do that either ... could you?
My vote is to place the ads. From what I've seen it's a pretty good deal. Clarity gets some revenue yet retains TOTAL control of BP. If things don't work out, Clarity can simply end the relationship with Sports Wars.