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97.1 The Fan (official thread)

DaytonBuck;1400362; said:
Tirico's show is literally. That Kobe. He's a good basketball player and wow at him scoring a lot of points at Madison Square Guard. Hey Van Peazy who do you think would win in a game of HORSE between Kobe and Lebron? Lebron is really good and Kobe is really good so it would be pretty good game. Lebron is good at basketball.

Hooley is far better

Can't really argue with that. Hooley is more entertaining, whether that's good or not I'll let you decide.
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jimotis4heisman;1400365; said:
is it cuz he lives in ann arbor?

hooley is a clown. hes is bad. really bad. i cant listen to him. i cant listen to much espn radio actually.

games only for me at this point. the herd has some value, over the top value. ive always liked dp but he is on fsn radio now. that hueislias guy is ok, the rest suck or worse...

Mike Tirico could make have a private party with the Victoria's Secret Models boring. Everyone save Cowherd on ESPN is afraid to say anything remotely offensive or non complimentary about teams or athletes unless it's a Vick situation
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jimotis4heisman;1400385; said:
hooley cant tell a forecheck from a backcheck. i cant insult the guy about no touch icing but i can say he likely wears a jill...

I think I was confusing you and Dayton when I asked Dayton about Hooley compared to Tirico.

Surprised you insulted someone without a no-touch icing reference. :p
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I think I was confusing you and Dayton when I asked Dayton about Hooley compared to Tirico.

Surprised you insulted someone without a no-touch icing reference. :p
i cant, he doesnt know enough about hockey to understand it, it would be worthless...

i often consider calling in to his show to ask about the f2 positioning and see what he says, or discuss a left wing lock. heck the guy couldnt tell a franchised forward from a meatwagon... he doesnt even qualify for bender status since he cant even get on the ice to have his ankle some how, some way touch the ice. i have no idea how benders get flex in their ankles like that... but bruce likely could and would do worse...
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jimotis4heisman;1400397; said:
i cant, he doesnt know enough about hockey to understand it, it would be worthless...

i often consider calling in to his show to ask about the f2 positioning and see what he says, or discuss a left wing lock. heck the guy couldnt tell a franchised forward from a meatwagon... he doesnt even qualify for bender status since he cant even get on the ice to have his ankle some how, some way touch the ice. i have no idea how benders get flex in their ankles like that... but bruce likely could and would do worse...
This is an english speaking board. Take your canadese somewhere else.
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The first Tirico story involves him hitting on a woman and stalking her after a house party in fall 1992. The woman was a production assistant and "considered an up-and-coming talent," and Tirico went up to her at the party and said "you're the most beautiful woman in here." She walked away, but he kept following her around the party until she finally snapped, "Why don't you fuck off? Get away from me." As she and friends hopped in their car and pulled out of the party, Tirico stepped in front of the car and made the woman stop. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen and I think I'm in love with you," Tirico said. She tried to roll up her window and take off, but Tirico stuck his hand in and tried to wedge it between her thighs. She got away, and the next morning, when they saw each other in the ESPN parking lot, he walked up to her, and she expected him to apologize. Instead, he said, "all I did all day was think about you."

In another story, one female producer ? who had been to dinner with Tirico and his fiancee ? was startled to receive an email from him saying that he wanted to sleep with her. Later, when the staff went to a bar after a late night covering the NCAA tournament, Tirico approached her and said, "I wish I was single. If I were, I'd throw you on the table right here and fuck your brains out." After she tried to excuse him as drunk, he persisted: "I know you want to screw me. So let's leave." Later, he followed her on the highway and tried to get her to pull over, unsuccessfully.

Tirico was ultimately suspended for three months and is interviewed in the book, where he, like Reynolds, calls the incidents "misunderstandings." He is now doing "Monday Night Football" and is still married.

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Does anyone like Mike Ricordati? And if so, how? He's not funny, clever, or entertaining in any way. They play that that stupid song after he's says something he thinks is funny and edgy...ughhh. I'm finished with this show. Let me know if they fire him.
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FrancisSawyer;1672063; said:
Does anyone like Mike Ricordati? And if so, how? He's not funny, clever, or entertaining in any way. They play that that stupid song after he's says something he thinks is funny and edgy...ughhh. I'm finished with this show. Let me know if they fire him.

Well he IS better than Stephen A Smith. I'll give him that. And whatever the guy's name is that's on the local radio here in Dayton when I'm usually driving home. He sucks too.

The guy is always negative about everything. so it's funny to go against what he's saying and usually you'll find success :biggrin:
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FrancisSawyer;1672063; said:
Does anyone like Mike Ricordati? And if so, how? He's not funny, clever, or entertaining in any way. They play that that stupid song after he's says something he thinks is funny and edgy...ughhh. I'm finished with this show. Let me know if they fire him.
No. The show is terrible, and the hosts are wildly uninformed. Even though alot of people claim that they don't like Cowherd, I was very happy when the fan extended his show and moved the local guys. Now that my drive home from work coincides with the local guys, I'm not as happy about the change. I have switched back to listening to audio books during my commute. So, at least I can say that the common man and the torg have contributed to my being better "read". :tongue2:
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I think Ricordati and Torgerson are pretty entertaining. I don't listen to them to learn about sports.. don't listen to ESPN radio to do that. But I find that they make my car rides seem shorter.
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I think Ricordati and Torgerson are pretty entertaining. I don't listen to them to learn about sports.. don't listen to ESPN radio to do that. But I find that they make my car rides seem shorter.
Agreed. They do a good job entertaining me with humor. If I want actually information about sports, i'd come here, not listen to talk radio.
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