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97.1 The Fan (official thread)

3074326;1672239; said:
I think Ricordati and Torgerson are pretty entertaining. I don't listen to them to learn about sports.. don't listen to ESPN radio to do that. But I find that they make my car rides seem shorter.
Me either. IMO, the national guys are more entertaining, but ESPN Radio hasn't been on my Mobile TV channel list for a few months, and I don't have or want satellite radio, so listening to the national guys isn't an option anymore.

I agree with Mike80. The sports scene in Dayton isn't a good radio show either, and, unlike common man and torg, he doesn't even try to be entertaining. He's got the radio personality of Mr. Bucknuts. Just awful radio.
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FrancisSawyer;1672063; said:
Does anyone like Mike Ricordati? And if so, how? He's not funny, clever, or entertaining in any way. They play that that stupid song after he's says something he thinks is funny and edgy...ughhh. I'm finished with this show. Let me know if they fire him.
Have you considered getting satellite radio?
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Meant to post this last week.

Happened upon the Buckeye Roundtable show and it was unlistenable garbage.

They did some airing of grievances which sounded like amateurish, college radio nonsense.

Marty Bannister may have the worst radio voice I've ever heard. There's a reason he used to do women's baseketball.

Get that guy got off the freaking radio and into the WBNS sales department where I do not have to listen to him.
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worse than


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I have been a long time podcast listener to the Big Show when it was Hooley and Spiels. I could tolerate Hooley, but love listening to 3-6. I simply cannot stomach Rothman and, especially Stanley. I assume that Stanley is supposed to take a contrarian view, but I cannot imagine how this guy has a job at all.

I like Neft when he fills in, but as of last week I couldn't podcast his show. I need my Buckeye fix as I am driving down here in the south, but there isn't a viable option that I am aware of now.
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I used the app that somebody here made a while back. Then one day it got screwed up and only offered weekend shows.

Hooley was tolerable when Spiels was on, but I think it was Thursdays or Fridays when he had to be somewhere else, so the whole show was Hooley. You could tell he held back when Spielman was with him. Those were days when I would just turn it off.
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