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97.1 The Fan (official thread)

3074326;1393686; said:
It's great for entertainment though. :tongue2:

i would say bruce hooley is a fan of no touch icing, though youd have to have some sort of hockey knowledge to understand the insult...

i still remember some rants of his.
1-ranting on hockey drafts.
the 07 (jake v) draft about the picks and the prior draft. i called in and mentioned the steal mason was. one of the few times ive called into the show. he blabbed about how many games he had played (very few at that point) i asked him for what team he played...blank...i asked him who he was behind...blank...

and hes slightly more knowledgeable but equally as annoying on most other sports.

BuckeyeMike80;1393720; said:
I can get cd101 at night nearly into Springfield sometimes though...

oh the super magic of the cd101 signal. it cant be heard downtown. it can be heard for a ways away...
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jimotis4heisman;1393935; said:
i would say bruce hooley is a fan of no touch icing, though youd have to have some sort of hockey knowledge to understand the insult...

i still remember some rants of his.
1-ranting on hockey drafts.
the 07 (jake v) draft about the picks and the prior draft. i called in and mentioned the steal mason was. one of the few times ive called into the show. he blabbed about how many games he had played (very few at that point) i asked him for what team he played...blank...i asked him who he was behind...blank...

and hes slightly more knowledgeable but equally as annoying on most other sports.

I know what no-touch icing is. :(
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The new station proved crisp clear sound everywhere I go. Kudo's to the fan.

I have come to loathe Mike Ricordati and Jeff Torgerson.

The common man is abusive to everyone he does not consider hip and who agrees with his perverse point of view. I used to listen nearly every day to that time slot. He and they act like little girls. Today one was complaining about sitting on hot metal beachers in shorts. Well common dork, duhhhhh. They have no class, and they bitch constantly.

Fan: Find someone else, please.
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DaytonBuck;1400356; said:
Mike Tirico is the worst radio host I've ever heard in Sports Talk. He's worse than Chris Myers and he's just a vanilla personality.
Tirico is a balding gorilla with a microphone. I'll never forgive that douchstick for the hatchet job he did on tOSU in the Alamo Bowl.
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3074326;1400360; said:
What about Hooley?

Tirico's show is literally. That Kobe. He's a good basketball player and wow at him scoring a lot of points at Madison Square Guard. Hey Van Peazy who do you think would win in a game of HORSE between Kobe and Lebron? Lebron is really good and Kobe is really good so it would be pretty good game. Lebron is good at basketball.

Hooley is far better
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Tirico's show is literally. That Kobe. He's a good basketball player and wow at him scoring a lot of points at Madison Square Guard. Hey Van Peazy who do you think would win in a game of HORSE between Kobe and Lebron? Lebron is really good and Kobe is really good so it would be pretty good game. Lebron is good at basketball.

Hooley is far better
is it cuz he lives in ann arbor?

hooley is a clown. hes is bad. really bad. i cant listen to him. i cant listen to much espn radio actually.

games only for me at this point. the herd has some value, over the top value. ive always liked dp but he is on fsn radio now. that hueislias guy is ok, the rest suck or worse...
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