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97.1 The Fan (official thread)

fanaticbuckeye;1956456; said:
I have been a long time podcast listener to the Big Show when it was Hooley and Spiels. I could tolerate Hooley, but love listening to 3-6. I simply cannot stomach Rothman and, especially Stanley. I assume that Stanley is supposed to take a contrarian view, but I cannot imagine how this guy has a job at all.

I like Neft when he fills in, but as of last week I couldn't podcast his show. I need my Buckeye fix as I am driving down here in the south, but there isn't a viable option that I am aware of now.

TuneIn Radio Pro

99-cent app, allows you to listen to and record live streams. There is a free version, which is what I use. It doesn't have the recording features, so I can't say if it works well or not. For a buck though it might be worth a shot.
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jlb1705;1956525; said:
TuneIn Radio Pro

99-cent app, allows you to listen to and record live streams. There is a free version, which is what I use. It doesn't have the recording features, so I can't say if it works well or not. For a buck though it might be worth a shot.

Thanks. I use it already. The problem is the on air talent, not the acess to them. I hope they fix the big show, ive given up on the common man and the torg. Maybe they will luck out on and find competent midday hosts. Neft and Carpenter were entertaining, but thats obviously not a long term solution.
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fanaticbuckeye;1956729; said:
Thanks. I use it already. The problem is the on air talent, not the acess to them. I hope they fix the big show, ive given up on the common man and the torg. Maybe they will luck out on and find competent midday hosts. Neft and Carpenter were entertaining, but thats obviously not a long term solution.

My bad. I took the last part of your post to mean that the podcast had discontinued or stopped working or something.

I gave up on listening to The Fan a long time ago unless I'm driving to or from the stadium on a game day.
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jlb1705;1956751; said:
My bad. I took the last part of your post to mean that the podcast had discontinued or stopped working or something.

I gave up on listening to The Fan a long time ago unless I'm driving to or from the stadium on a game day.
Gotcha. No worries. for some reason Neft's show didnt have the option to subscribe to podcast like the other programming.
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fanaticbuckeye;1956804; said:
Thanks. What I am looking for is the iTunes link like the other two shows have. I use an iPod Touch to download podcasts and sync with iTunes.

I use Google Listen on my Android phone. For iTunes, try the following:

A podcast I want to subscribe to isn't available in the iTunes Store.

It's easy to subscribe to any podcast using iTunes, even ones that aren't available in the iTunes Store. To subscribe, find and copy the podcast's feed URL. In the "Advanced" menu, select "Subscribe to Podcast" and paste the feed URL into the dialog box.
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Got Trolled into an e mail exchange with common man

it really seems like this market is prime for a show with a LeCharles Bently or somthing but these guys suck....talking about baseball and the Cubs in the Columbus market...
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I'm pretty sure all media in central Ohio is owned by one of two companies (Clearwater and whatever the company is called that owns the Dispatch I think).

Figure out which one owns 97.1 (Clearwater probably), contact the other and suggest they start a sports radio station or a time slot to compete with these clowns. I doubt they would listen since if it made sense they would have probably already tried, but it's worth a shot.

Otherwise give them the ESPN treatment and life will be good.
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Buckeye86;2025715; said:
I'm pretty sure all media in central Ohio is owned by one of two companies (Clearwater and whatever the company is called that owns the Dispatch I think).

Figure out which one owns 97.1 (Clearwater probably), contact the other and suggest they start a sports radio station or a time slot to compete with these clowns. I doubt they would listen since if it made sense they would have probably already tried, but it's worth a shot.

Otherwise give them the ESPN treatment and life will be good.

clearwater or Clearchannel?
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bassbuckeye07;2025708; said:
I dont usually start threads so I'm sorry if this is the wrong place...this is an e mail exchange I got into with MY GUY Mike Ricordoti

it really seems like this market is prime for a show with a LeCharles Bently or somthing but these guys suck....talking about baseball and the Cubs in the Columbus market...

People in Columbus are rubes for listening to that garbage. Don't tell me it's the only sports talk show on at the time, because that's not what they're really selling you. You're being trolled. It doesn't matter if it's dressed up in sports, sex, politics, religion, or whatever. This stuff only dies through collective ambivalence. Short of that, the next best thing is to just ignore it on your own.
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