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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

Completed teams in bold:

Bayside - _______________________
ESU The Program - _______________
Little Giants - BuckeyeMac | SwankyMac
Hoover - Merih | Ambasa10
Mean Machine - eobuck | TheStatician
Mud Dogs - ______________________
Mustangs - cassidy28 | ZI PRIMETIME IZ
Permian - CentralMoBuck | wakeboarderDave
Screamin Eagles - ________________
Sentinels - Bucknut24 | DocJigowatt121
Sharks - jwinslow | ups7
Titans - ________________________ (Cen Mo)

redbenn | redbenn25
Wells4Heisman | ???
GomerBucks | ???
osustamm | osustamm
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Finally tracked down a bayside uniform, archiving it here


I'm going to be guessing on the rest, including helmets. If you guys have any ideas or discoveries, please post them. (Bayside Tigers)
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Bucknut24;1479342; said:
is there a way you can send a link or something to all the created unis?
I can't link to it directly. Also, you may have to install Flash 10 if it isn't already installed. (Download Flash Player 10 now)

1) Go here: http://www.easportsworld.com/e....reate_a_school
2) Type ups7 in search box and hit enter.
3) "No results found". Delete ups7 from school box (top left).
4) Type ups7 in the author box and hit enter.
5) Make sure 'display custom logos' is checked (bottom left)
6) Click on the team you want to see.
7) When done viewing that team, click the ups7 link (top left, to the right of the team logo) to view my other teams. Otherwise you'll have to start over at step #2.

if you want to see CentralMo's designs, type in wakeboarderdave instead of ups7
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good call, I actually posted that a few pages back and forgot about it. I'll add that to the uni design I based off of AC's pic.

Also, if you see a winged helmet for an alternate, you can just assume that hasn't been touched yet. Feel free to make suggestions though.
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Minnesota Screamin Eagles are now up as well. I stayed pretty true to the original uniform in the alternate set, but gave the team a more attractive home/away set to use. I also took some liberties with the logo... still uses the block M, but a more modern eagles head instead of the weaker flying bird.

Need suggestions: where should we put them? I think it would be a pretty big disadvantage to have them up in Minnesota when everyone else is in Ohio, Cali, Texas, Georgia, Fla, etc. Should we move them down to Chicago? Detroit? Or leave them there and find someone up for a challenge?
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No, there doesn't appear to be a way to download them right now. I'm not sure if that will change closer to the release date, or whether we'll have to wait until it comes out.
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I'll take the mustangs

Teambuilder designed teams in bold:

Bayside - osustamm
ESU The Program - _______________
Little Giants - BuckeyeMac | SwankyMac
Hoover - Merih | Ambasa10
Mean Machine - eobuck | TheStatician
Mud Dogs - ______________________
Mustangs - cassidy28 | ZI PRIMETIME IZ
Permian - CentralMoBuck | wakeboarderDave
Screamin Eagles - ________________
Sentinels - Bucknut24 | DocJigowatt121
Sharks - jwinslow | ups7
Titans - ________________________ (Cen Mo)

redbenn | redbenn25
Wells4Heisman | ???
GomerBucks | ???
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mud dogs added to my teambuilder site. The first unis are accurate and ugly, but the aways (with alternate helmet) are based on the browns. The alternate unis turned out a bit like florida.

Every team is now created.
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