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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

Any objections or replacement suggestions for this list?

ESU, Sharks, Sentinels, Titans, Screamin Eagles, Panthers, Mean Machine, Mustangs, MudDogs, Little Giants

Finally tracked down a shot of the Giants unis. Would we want to stay authentic, or mimic the real giants designs?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuFUweVjr7w"]YouTube - Little Giants (1994) 10/10[/ame]
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jwinslow;1478693; said:
Any objections or replacement suggestions for this list?

ESU, Sharks, Sentinels, Titans, Screamin Eagles, Panthers, Mean Machine, Mustangs, MudDogs, Little Giants

Finally tracked down a shot of the Giants unis. Would we want to stay authentic, or mimic the real giants designs?

You know if we have little giants all their players MUST be 3 feet tall :lol:
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Bucknut24;1478776; said:
I think it would be cool to use at least a few of them, like the main ones.

On second thought I like that idea.

I attached an image of my created unis for TC Williams Titans. You can also view them online at the teambuilder site. My account name is wakeboarderdave.


  • TCWunis.jpg
    48.6 KB · Views: 9
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haven't decided: merih, redbenn, wells4heisman, gomer, osustamm, cassidy28

Team List:

Bayside - _______________________
ESU The Program - _______________
Little Giants - BMac
Hoover - ________________________
Mean Machine - eobuck
Mud Dogs - ______________________
Mustangs - ______________________
Permian - CenMo
Screamin Eagles - ________________
Sentinels - B24
Sharks - JWins
Titans - ________________________ (Cen Mo)
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(excluding roster names/attributes) ESU, Little Giants, Mean Machine, Mustangs, Permian, Sharks have been created (ups7) in teambuilder. We're bringing a blue ocean turf to the orange bowl (sharks).

CentralMo has done the Titans.
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