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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

Just wondering, how serious do people usually take it in these leagues? Cause i'm not a hardcore gamer by any means, and just looking to have some fun in a online dynasty, cause I get sick of playing the computer, and I hate playing randoms online
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When we only had 3-4 users, we tried to advance frequently, but with a bigger league like we'll have, we'll likely advance twice a week (usually sunday / wednesday) as a deadline. Obviously if everyone is done early, we'll advance then.
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If there's enough interest, we could always do additional dynasties, to include different versions (one real conference, one superconference w/ mixed teams, one with created teams, etc). But putting that aside for a sec...

what interests you guys?

I think create a team sounds fun, but a super conference mixing powerhouses from around the country could have more lasting appeal (once the fizzle dies down from the created university).
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I prefer creating teams or mid tier teams. Especially if we play on AA, with the really good teams, I know I would roll through the CPU teams. Just my 2 cents. Even on Heisman, it still wouldn't be that hard of a match.
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Alright, we've got 10 teams. I'll consider others, but we have a good group to start out. Let's come up with some ideas for created teams.

A few ideas:

Permian Panthers (friday night lights)
Glenville Tarblooders
St Thomas Aquinas Raiders
TC Williams Titans (Remember the titans)

I've created the first three already. We'd probably tweak the roster a bit though.

We can also mix in other squads, real or otherwise. We'll probably want to limit the roster talent on those clubs to keep things even and competitive (in and out of user games) at first.
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A few other movie teams:

Allenville Penitentiary Allenville, TX (Longest Yard) ... anyone know where the original Longest Yard took place?

U of Louisiana Cougars (Waterboy)

West Canaan Coyotes (Varsity Blues) (helmet)

Miami Sharks (Any Given Sunday)

Eastern State University Timberwolves (The Program) ... not sure where we'd put this

Minnesota State University Screaming Eagles (Coach - TV)

Hoover Buccaneers (TV documentary)

Radio's club?

That's 12 ideas so far.
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Archiving this stuff here:

Mean Machine (longest yard)



Bucknut24;1478195; said:
Washington Sentinels!
:lol: Nice!


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Eastern State U
"The Program" (1993)


Miami Sharks
"Any Given Sunday" (1999)


Washington Sentinels
"The Replacements" (2000)


TC Williams Titans
"Remember The Titans" (2000)


Minnesota State
Screaming Eagles
"Coach" TV (1989-1997)


Permian Panthers
"Friday Night Lights" (2004)


Mean Machine
"The Longest Yard" (2005)

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Camp Kilpatrick Mustangs
"Gridiron Gang" (2006)


Bayside Tigers
"Saved By The Bell"
TV (1989-1993)


Urbana Giants
"Little Giants" (1994)


SCLSU Muddogs (new)
"The Waterboy" (1998)

South Central Louisiana State University Mud Dogs
a name and mascot strongly resembling the former University of Southwestern Louisiana Bulldogs



unrelated, but a good replacement if we can't find the original:


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Here's a whole page of movie/tv teams, in case anyone sees one they'd like:


Bayside Tigers or the Little Giants are two good ones. Gridiron Gang isn't as good, but their uniforms are solid. Plus the Mean Machine need rivals (assuming we can add those).
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