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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

The Program unis:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMSSmI6P2QA]YouTube - most motivating part of the program[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9qtuj8zDWM]YouTube - The Program - Alvin Mack[/ame]
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Showcase Your Team (formerly Teambuilder Directory) - Page 3 - NCAA Football 10 & NCAA Basketball 09 at ncaa Strategies
Thank you for the feedback, guys,

Next is one of two versions of The Program, I'm talking about Eastern State University, of the movie, The Program, and a failed Dynasty attempt I did (as in, I'm doing the Dynasty for them fifteen years later, but haven't posted my results up on this site, argh.). I did the PS2 version of them, so if you're looking for references, you can go here.


School Name: Eastern State University (1993 Eastern State)
Initials: ESU
Country: USA
City: (Like in the registry thread, anywhere in the southeastern USA, or in an eastern part of a state) Augusta
State: Georgia

Coach Name: Sam Winters
(He strongly resembles James Caan
Stadium Name: "Wolf's Den" at ESU Stadium, or Wolf Den Stadium
School Type: Overrated, I mean Balanced

Conference: I have no idea; you would think they're SEC-based, but they had rival Georgia Tech (They had to beat them to win their conference, and have a bowl berth in the movie...
), Mississippi State, Tennessee, Iowa, Boston College, Michigan, and North Carolina on the same schedule that season.....
Era: 1993

Primary Color: Maroon (Under Edit Color, Brightness: 42, and Red 85; Green and Blue should both be at 0)
Secondary Color: Gold
Tertiary Color: Black

Stadium Design: Willams-Brice Stadium (They played there in the movie), if there are too many South Carolina Gamecock-based logos there, play at a generic big bowl-like stadium
Surface: Grass
Midfield: ESU Timberwolves Logo
Quarter Field Logo: None
North End Zone: Timberwolves
South End Zone: Timberwolves
Helmet: This:

Offensive Playbook: West Coast
Defensive Playbook: 4-3
Uniforms: Should be recognizable: http://www.theclassicstuff.com/movie...splay.php?id=4
Pants are gold, and are the same striped design as on the helmet, and the away is white with a maroon collar, and maroon and gold stripes on the sleeves, I think. They wore black adidas cleats.

School Pitch Information:
Academic Prestige: D-
Campus Lifestyle: C
Coach Experience: A
Coach Prestige: B
Championship Contender: A
Athletic Facilities: A
Fan Base: A+
Program Stability: D-
Program Tradition: A
Television Exposure: A+​
The Eastern State Timberwolves are a fictional college football team from a 1993 movie called The Program. James Caan, Omar Epps, Halle Berry, and Craig Scheffer star in the flick. Andrew Bryniarski played a memorable role as linebacker Steve Lattimer.

Recruiting keys:
With a coach in his tenth season, and media overexposure abundant if you play as them, there should be no problems snagging recruits for coach Sam Winters.

Academic keys:
Really none to state of. The team seemed to negatively mirror the early 90's versions of Florida State and Miami (FL).
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jwinslow;1478342; said:
I like that idea as well. The question would be if we have enough teams to do that from different regions, or would we have a billion ohio squads.

You could always create the teams that are from Ohio, but put them into a different state. Or the leader of the OD could be in charge of creating all the teams or reviewing user created teams. If we don't have enough non-Ohio teams we could force people into taking a out of state team.

Also, would this be a super conference with the created teams or would they replace teams in other conferences?

I personally dislike the idea of having movie created teams.
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You could always create the teams that are from Ohio, but put them into a different state. Or the leader of the OD could be in charge of creating all the teams or reviewing user created teams. If we don't have enough non-Ohio teams we could force people into taking a out of state team.
This is an interesting idea. For creating teams, we probably would want to figure out our basic setup, test it out for a bit, and be open to re-starting if we find some flaws or things that need to be changed.

I think we could do both.
I personally dislike the idea of having movie created teams.
Would you dislike playing against movie teams also? Or just having one yourself? If it's the latter, we could give you a non-movie team, say a real HS team or something (Massillon Tigers, Byrnes, Mater Dei, etc). Although Permian or Hoover would work for both scenarios.
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jwinslow;1478496; said:
This is an interesting idea. For creating teams, we probably would want to figure out our basic setup, test it out for a bit, and be open to re-starting if we find some flaws or things that need to be changed.

I think we could do both.
Would you dislike playing against movie teams also? Or just having one yourself? If it's the latter, we could give you a non-movie team, say a real HS team or something (Massillon Tigers, Byrnes, Mater Dei, etc). Although Permian or Hoover would work for both scenarios.

I like the idea of having a mixture of both. I could do a movie/tv based team, it wold just depend on the team. Like Hoover, TC Williams or Permian.

Let me know if you need any help creating some teams JWins.
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I could do either or...I think it'd be fun to do H.S. teams and represent the high school you went to. Then that person could have bragging rights to who's the best team in college/high school. I think that'd be fun, but so would movie football teams
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I like the idea of both, able to please both sides, and just spit balling here but what we could do (if it's possible, and depending on how many we have) we could make one conf of high school teams, and another conf can be the movie teams.
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CentralMo, I've done (to varying degrees of completion):

Glenville, St. Thomas Aquinas My HS (Lakeshore), Permian, ESU The Program and am doing Miami Sharks this weekend.

You could help do the TC Christian Titans, Washington Sentinels (the replacements), SCLSU Muddogs for now. I think those are the safest bets for chosen TV schools.
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