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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

what I propose we could do, is when the game comes out, i'm assuming we're going to be able to download the teams (theres a download ticker next to each created school on the site, so that's why i'm assuming that) and we create our own rosters and stuff, then the commish can look at them for approval (so we can't use 99 rating for everything)
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osustamm;1479803; said:
I will take bayside.
Bucknut24;1479886; said:
what I propose we could do, is when the game comes out, i'm assuming we're going to be able to download the teams (theres a download ticker next to each created school on the site, so that's why i'm assuming that) and we create our own rosters and stuff, then the commish can look at them for approval (so we can't use 99 rating for everything)
This sounds like a solid process. Once the roster is approved, I could change my login and have folks edit my teambuilder rosters, in part to create a more useful online roster for others to download (outside of the dynasty).

I'd like folks to use as many known characters as possible (even non-footballers, ie Bayside can make use of Screech) and base them loosely on their attributes. For example, Permian should probably have Boobie Miles as their star player. The starting QB should be tough and scrappy but still workmanlike. They should not have two superstar talents in the backfield.

What type of general guidelines should we set for personnel? Maybe have one star player, and try to keep the rest of the roster in line with a so-so big east team?
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Star players:

Bayside - AC Slater (RB? LB?), Zach Morris (QB?), Screech Powers (WR? safety?)
The Program - RB Darnell Jefferson, LB Alvin Mack, DL Steve Lattimer
Little Giants - The Girl, who should tower over her undersized brethren. ???
Hoover - ???
Mud Dogs - Bobby Boucher, MLB.
Mustangs - ???
Permian - Boobie Miles, RB. Mike Winchell, QB. Brian Chavez, S.
Screaming Eagles - ???
Sentinels - Shane Falco, QB. Clifford Franklin, WR. Daniel Bateman, LB.
Sharks - Willie Beamen, QB. Also LB (Luther 'Shark' Lavay) & either LL Cool J or Terrelle Owens.
Titans - Gerry Bertier, DE. Also DE Julius Campbell & QB Sunshine or Rev (pick one of the qbs).

The Program: Nominations? Frosh RB Jefferson was the star of the movie, but they had a lot of big time players.

Titans: I would choose one of the DEs, but in the last game, DEs were not as effective as they should have been. Sunshine?
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Also, how should we handle age? Should we make the star players true sophomores, so you are guaranteed at least two years with them?

If we were being completely accurate, Permian would have only 1 year with most of their players. Same with many of the Titans. Contrast that with the youth of guys like Willie Beamen (Jamie Foxx) or Darnell Jefferson (Omar Epps).

Maybe we should aim to make a team comparable to a Michigan State rather than a mid-tier big east squad. That will allow a little more depth of talent.
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jwinslow;1479899; said:
Star players:

Bayside - AC Slater (what position?)
The Program -
Little Giants - The Girl, who should tower over her undersized brethren
Hoover - ???
Mud Dogs - Bobby Boucher, MLB.
Mustangs - ???
Permian - Boobie Miles, RB
Screaming Eagles - ???
Sentinels - Shane Falco, QB
Sharks - Willie Beamen, QB
Titans - ???

The Program: Nominations? Frosh RB Jefferson was the star of the movie, but they had a lot of big time players.

Titans: I would choose one of the DEs, but in the last game, DEs were not as effective as they should have been. Sunshine?

For the Mustangs I would have to say Willie (i don't remember the last name), he was the RB, and for the the Titans um...that's a toughy, but if I had to pick one it would be Gerry Bertier, him and Julius were kinda the heart and soul of that team
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If the DEs can actually impact a game, then I'll go with Gerry. Otherwise, I think a RB or QB should be the star player.

Perhaps we should go with 3 standouts per team (in line with the impact players), and maybe 1 of those a superstar (like the list).

Any thoughts on whether we should move the Screaming Eagles to a less challenging locale?
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I think we should have the key players be around for at least more than one year. Maybe we could just make all the teams the same caliber(powerhouse or whatever) and edit in the players names and/or their grade level.

Are all teams going to be in the same conference, but just spread out all over the country?
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I think we should spread them in different conf (maybe 3 or 4 teams though in the same conf?), i say this, cause then with that way, we have the chance of being matched up in bowl games and national title game, if we're all in the same conf, then it's no fun playing a cpu in the title game
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We could run two conferences if you'd prefer... but I'd like to try and keep as much competition as possible between teams.

I have no idea how it works, but I was thinking we could replace the big east. No one is going to miss them.
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jwinslow;1480133; said:
We could run two conferences if you'd prefer... but I'd like to try and keep as much competition as possible between teams.

I have no idea how it works, but I was thinking we could replace the big east. No one is going to miss them.

:lol: so true

Split up into two could work too, i just don't like having everyone in one conf, but that's just my opinion, maybe it's because i'd be the basement dweller :tongue2:
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i guess it just depends on how you look at it, sure the reg season would be more competitive, but the bowl games would be no fun since it would be against the cpu, then the flip side would be in 2 conf, have to play more cpu games in the reg season, but then possibility playing a user for the national title which would be loads of fun.
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2 conferences would leave less room for getting screwed out of a NC berth. I thought about inserting 3 teams into 4 BCS conferences (replacing the cellar dwellers), but then you might sit at home with an undefeated record but #3 ranking.
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