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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

jwinslow;1480451; said:
Does anyone know if height is really a factor in gameplay, or if it's simply for looks?

Only one way to find out really... edit a team in 2009 to a bunch of midgets with killer speed and jumping ability and see what happens. I know in previous versions it didn't matter.

But it does seem like 6'5 WRs can go up and catch better than 5'10 guys (in terms of deep throws)

Then again in 2010 they are suppose to kinda make size matter. So it might be one of those things that you won't know til you unwrap 2010 and play. So I would make two teams, one with midgets and another with regular size players and then as soon as the game comes out try them out.
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What stadium should Springfield use? They're closest to Dayton, but I don't think they have that one. We could use Cinci, but that's a bit too urban for Springfield.

edit: I'll use Miami of Ohio. They'll appreciate the association.
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Here's the Revenge of the Nerds uniform, in case we need it later:

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I won't be able to join. I'm finishing up grad school in August and will hopefully be starting a job somewhere. However, I would be down to play some games sometime. If you guys ever want to play NCAA, Madden, or COD...feel free to add me. My gamer-tag is HandsomePelican. Just send a message with the request so I know you aren't Charles Manson or something like that.
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Here's what I have for the springfield atoms:

PK 09 Z?rker, ?ter

QB 08 Ralph Wiggums

HB 20 whiet

FB 00 Milhouse
FB 26 white

WR 04?
WR 07 red head
WR 31 Janey Powell, black girl
WR 06 
WR 27 

TE 01

LT 15 Bart Simpson
LT 05 Wendell Borton
LG 11 Lewis
LG 22 white
OC 09 Uter

RG 10 Richard

RT 00 Milhouse
00 Milhouse van Houten
01 ___________________ White dude
01 Lisa Simpson
02 Nelson Muntz
03 Sherri 
04 Terri
04 ___________________ black kid
05 Wendell Borton
05 ___________________ white kid, brown curly hair
06 ___________________ white kid
07 ___________________ girl, red hair, pigtails
07 ___________________ guy
08 Ralph Wiggums - special teams
09 Z?rker, ?ter
10 Richard
11 Lewis
12 Martin Prince
13 Rudy
14 ___________________ italian kid, black hair, flaired up on either side
14 ___________________ black kid
15 Bart Simpson - OT
17 Steven
20 ___________________ black kid, black hair
22 ___________________ white, brown hair, side part
23 ___________________ black kid
24 ___________________
26 ___________________ white kid
27 ___________________ black kid
28 ___________________ ?? white
31 Janey
34 ___________________ white kid
31 ___________________ black girl, brown hair
32 Todd Flanders
66 Rod Flanders
Obviously we'll need to add real Simpsons characters to the pee-wee team. Let's hear some suggestions for additions and positions.
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CentralMOBuck;1478755; said:
Jwins, what types of stadiums are we going to use?
Not sure I answered this before... try to use the real stadiums or similar ones. The sharks played in the orange bowl... I used Bowling Green's stadium because it was similar to the Permian one in Odessa.

Mean Machine used SMU's smaller spot... Bayside plays in California's Memorial Stadium. The Mustangs play in a meager high school field.
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We need 1 more user to fill the remaining spot. Redbenn is in, just waiting on his team pick (you can choose in the meantime).

Available teams:
The Simpsons, ESU The Program, Mud Dogs, Screamin Eagles, Titans
jwinslow;1480300; said:
Proposed alignment, and the teams they'd replace:

Bayside - Stanford ............... osustamm | osustamm
Mustangs - WSU .................. cassidy28 | ZI PRIMETIME IZ
Sentinels - Arizona .............. redbenn | redbenn25

Big 12 - North
Permian - Colorado ............... CentralMoBuck | wakeboarderDave
Mean Machine - Iowa St ....... eobuck | TheStatician
Little Giants - Kansas ........... BuckeyeMac | SwankyMac

SEC - West
Hoover - Arkansas ................ Merih | Ambasa10
_______ - Miss .....................
Sharks - Miss St .................. jwinslow | ups7

3 teams per conference, over 4 BCS conferences. Schedule 2 OOC human games. That would give you at least 4 user games. We could maintain more existing powerhouse teams and conferences as well, and just swap out the Northwestern's, Kentucky's & Baylor's. I think you'd have to put everyone in the same division of a conf to prevent imbalance.

I tried to replace the most forgettable teams, which resulted in some inaccurate regions (Sharks should be 'east', the entire b12 addition list should be 'south).
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Sorry to see you go 24. If you change your mind, let me know. I think this year's game is greatly improved.

redbenn and his buckeye QB are planning to lead the Sentinels to glory! They will be the final pac-10 team replacement. I think redbenn's had his fill of me the last 12 months :) Merih hasn't been around long enough yet :p
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