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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

BoxCar_Willie;1480286; said:
No Adams Atoms?

Stan Gable at QB??
Fred "The Ogre" Palowakski at LB??
They could be a suitable replacement for someone who doesn't want to be stuck in Minnesota.


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrJHEdizTyo"]YouTube - Revenge of the Nerd[/ame]
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Here's a new conference proposal:

3 teams per conference, over 4 BCS conferences. Schedule 2 OOC human games. That would give you at least 4 user games. We could maintain more existing powerhouse teams and conferences as well, and just swap out the Northwestern's, Kentucky's & Baylor's. I think you'd have to put everyone in the same division of a conf to prevent imbalance.

Proposed alignment, and the teams they'd replace:

Bayside - Stanford
Mustangs - WSU
Nerds/Eagles - Arizona

Big 12 - North
Permian - Colorado
Mean Machine - Iowa St
The Program - Kansas

SEC - West
Hoover - Arkansas
Mud Dogs - Miss
Sharks - Miss St

Little Giants - Wake
Sentinels - Mary
Titans - NC St

I tried to replace the most forgettable teams, which resulted in some inaccurate regions (Sharks should be 'east', the entire b12 addition list should be 'south).
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Merih;1480311; said:
Springfield Atoms? lol just playing
:lol: I like that one! I don't think we have anyone up north to compete with the Little Giants...

the depth of roster names would be big too.


#4 Anton Lubchenko - Springfield University (The Simpsons)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEjI7_BKU9s"]YouTube - Electric football clip in The Simpsons[/ame]

You could also consider bringing in some other famous atoms, like:

#6 Gus - California Atoms (Gus)
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jwinslow;1480300; said:
Here's a new conference proposal:

3 teams per conference, over 4 BCS conferences. Schedule 2 OOC human games. That would give you at least 4 user games. We could maintain more existing powerhouse teams and conferences as well, and just swap out the Northwestern's, Kentucky's & Baylor's. I think you'd have to put everyone in the same division of a conf to prevent imbalance.

Proposed alignment, and the teams they'd replace:

Bayside - Stanford
Mustangs - WSU
Nerds/Eagles - Arizona

Big 12 - North
Permian - Colorado
Mean Machine - Iowa St
The Program - Kansas

SEC - West
Hoover - Arkansas
Mud Dogs - Miss
Sharks - Miss St

Little Giants - Wake
Sentinels - Mary
Titans - NC St

I tried to replace the most forgettable teams, which resulted in some inaccurate regions (Sharks should be 'east', the entire b12 addition list should be 'south).

For the ACC, instead Wake or Maryland, should take out Duke
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The conference alignment looks great.

What are we going to do as far as prestige and what not(recruiting part of the game) so that we can compete with the traditional powers? Or are we just going to have to build that up over time by ourselves?
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I'm going to insist we have a springfield Atoms team. If only we could upload our own skin color :biggrin:
What are we going to do as far as prestige and what not(recruiting part of the game) so that we can compete with the traditional powers? Or are we just going to have to build that up over time by ourselves?

Bayside - poor champ cont, coach pr................. great campus, academics
The Program - poor academics, ....................... great champ, pro
Little Giants - poor champ cont, pro draft .......... great fans, tv (it had a movie)
Hoover - ???? ............................................... suggestions?
Mean Machine - poor academics, campus. ......... great facilities (the food!), tradition (two movies!)
Mud Dogs - poor facilities, tv. .......................... great campus, fans
Mustangs - poor facilities, tradition. .................. great coach prestige, tv (no good 2nd option here)
Permian - poor stability, academics .................. great champ contend, tradition
Simpsons - poor academics, champ cont. .......... great campus, coach XP (going on two decades!)
Sentinels - poor stability, champ cont. .............. great fans, tv
Sharks - poor stability, academics. ................... great coach prestige, pro factory
Titans - poor stability ..................................... great tradition, fans
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jwinslow;1480341; said:
trying to keep everyone in the same divisions. Otherwise you have 1 guy with no human competition in his division.

Technically if you can switch conferences around you would think you can put people in different divisions. Ie boot Duke and move Wake to the other division. Just a thought.
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Piney;1480385; said:
Technically if you can switch conferences around you would think you can put people in different divisions. Ie boot Duke and move Wake to the other division. Just a thought.
Good suggestion. I'll do that if possible, as Wake is a bit more useful than the Devils.
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All bias aside (which means none at all) I know that Hoover is a top flight program in terms of high school football and that they send a ton of kids to college (read: Alabama). Tradition, Pro Factory, Championship Contender, Facilities should be strengths. Academics, Fan Base, TV is a wash.
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I think its more fun to have some imbalanced teams...that way both sides have something to work towards. The lower rated teams goal would be to ascend in the hierarchy of CFB while the higher teams would try and maintain their spot above the other user controlled teams. I think that way it puts a lot more on the line when two user teams play each other; and allows for true upsets.
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