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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

We have two users who have not made their selections yet... gomerbucks & wells4heisman. How do you guys want to handle the 10th person? Should we stick them in one of the conferences?

Put them in their own conference but have them play more user games?
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jwinslow;1487385; said:
Sorry to see you go 24. If you change your mind, let me know. I think this year's game is greatly improved.

redbenn and his buckeye QB are planning to lead the Sentinels to glory! They will be the final pac-10 team replacement. I think redbenn's had his fill of me the last 12 months :) Merih hasn't been around long enough yet :p

alright thanks, hopefully i do, but i dunno, from the demo, I didn't like it at all, and I really can't afford to blow another $60 on a game i prob wont like, i've done that one too many times, but who hasn't :biggrin:
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I really can't afford to blow another $60 on a game i prob wont like, i've done that one too many times, but who hasn't :biggrin:
You buy NCAA and gamefly the rest
Haven't been around long enough eh? We will see about that good sir...no trash talk...just confidence. And remember; you don't have Phil Knight lining your pockets this time around!
If only my uniforms had wings :(
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The first post is the informational one...it tells you which teams have been chosen and which haven't.

These teams are still available:The Simpsons, ESU The Program, Mud Dogs, Screamin Eagles, Titans

I want someone to be the Titans just cuz Denzel is the man.

EDIT: And wouldn't it be sweet if you could set up the band to play "We are the Titans, the mighty mighty titans" in the pregame!?
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EDIT: And wouldn't it be sweet if you could set up the band to play "We are the Titans, the mighty mighty titans" in the pregame!?
:lol: I believe stadium sounds are only heard by the user with the mp3 file... but we could have each user install them.

It would be pretty sweet to have some of the soundtracks for at least the intro, if not TDs:

FNLights (Explosions in the Sky), The Simpsons, Saved By the Bell, etc.
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Any suggestions (from anyone) for how to fill the mud dog roster? Besides the waterboy and a couple guys, there aren't many players.

I was really hoping we'd have a Simpsons or Titans squad.
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:eek: I completely forgot about stadium sounds...hold your horses though jwins. Stadiums sounds cannot be applied to teambuilder teams directly. You will only hear the sound if you select "all teams" in the stadium sounds menu. Straight from the mouth of a developer. No word on if that is going to be addressed in the patch.

I want a Titans team
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It's your call, you'll get a lot better team with the Titans. Sunshine can run and throw, two bookend DEs, etc.

The muddogs are a bunch of misfits + Boucher. You'll also be playing in the SEC, with the Sharks, Hoover and your squad replacing some of the doormat SEC squads.
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jwinslow;1487886; said:
It's your call, you'll get a lot better team with the Titans. Sunshine can run and throw, two bookend DEs, etc.

The muddogs are a bunch of misfits + Boucher. You'll also be playing in the SEC, with the Sharks, Hoover and your squad replacing some of the doormat SEC squads.

That is just fine.... I will use the Titans. I get a better team and it would appear to make the other players happy...

Fear the Titans.
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