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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

You guys need to help with your rosters. Post as many players and skill/ability descriptions as you can. There will undoubtedly be holes in your roster, but do the best you can. You will lay out all of the names, numbers, descriptions, appearances... and then I'll either dump them into my teambuilder for you, or I'll let you get access to my account to do so.

I'm not doing 10 teams by myself :p

Gridiron Gang is on spike network this wednesday. I'd suggest watching that to get the names and numbers of your team.
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Here's the OOS schedule:

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The TC Titans are finished on my teambuilder under author: ups7

I think I will tweak the roster a bit for dynasty purposes (not make everyone a junior or older), as well as some more relevant sizes (tons of kids too small even for RR). I wanted to make it accurate for the teambuilder version.

I'm not going to be figuring out the rosters and ratings for all of these teams. That was just one I felt like tackling myself, given the movie. You guys are going to need to figure out the teams/roster suggestions.
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I will just put stuff down on this post and update it as I fine info on Allenville Penitentiary...Heights and weights are from the movie website.

QB: #18 Paul Crewe 6'1 214
QB: #19 Captain Knauer 6'2 234
RB: #23 Earl Meggett 5'10 195
RB: #39 Guard Dunham 6'2 241
FB: #44 Turley 6'3 240 (listed as 7'0 400, not realistic)
OG: #92 Big Tony 5'9 343
OG: #89 Cheeseburger Eddie 6'3 283
WR: #88 Deacon Moss 6'2 207
DT: #97 Hank Switkowski 6'7 353
DT: #93 Guard Engleheart 6'6 325
OLB: #44 Guard Garner 6'2 239
MLB: #10 Joey Battle 6'4 291
OLB: #53 Guard Lambert 6'4 245
FS: #1 Brucie 5'11 198
CB: #00 Torres 6'1 220
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You guys don't have to fill in the whole roster... most teams will not have complete depth charts. but you need to give me as much as you can find, and then the rest will be filled in using a team template based on their style of play. THe more you give me, the more you'll have to use in your dynasty.

thanks eob, that's a good start.
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Had to spell his name b00bie miles to get past the language censor in teambuilder.

Permian has almost all of their offensive players on defense. Should I duplicate players to play on D? Give them attributes to play D, and then just fill in the rest of the roster with bogus names?
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jwinslow;1494157; said:
Had to spell his name b00bie miles to get past the language censor in teambuilder.

Permian has almost all of their offensive players on defense. Should I duplicate players to play on D? Give them attributes to play D, and then just fill in the rest of the roster with bogus names?

Are we going to use the players real life postion or the position that they played in the movie? For example Miles was a FB not a HB and Chavez was a TE/DE and not a FS.
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Hmm, looks like I didn't hit save from my last set of edits. I meant to make Chavez a WR that we'd move to TE later on. For some reason the template I was using had 0 TEs to edit.
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jwinslow;1494918; said:
For some reason the template I was using had 0 TEs to edit.
It looks like you used the Option run template. That roster is almost identical to the Georgia Tech roster. During the flexbone offense video EA mentioned that they'd studied the flexbone alot more this year and realized that it doesn't use any TEs( imagine that). They've removed TEs from the Ga Tech and option attack templates, but, oddly enough, not from the Navy template. Odd that they didn't remove them from the Navy template since that's the team that they said they studied to improve the flexbone offense.
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we're not starting right away, I want to get a feel for the gameplay, play with the sliders (and everyone else do so also), so we can try and get it started right.

I still need a number of you to help with the guys you want included on the roster.
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