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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

:lol: I think so, in white adidas. We'll give him taped ankles. I'm waiting to do equipment modifications until we finalize all of the rosters.

I'm thinking of adding some blue to my black uni (which will be inaccurate vs the movie). If I can pull it off, you'll have the all black uni look to yourself.

check your permian team, I added a filter-proof name.
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Any suggestions for what kind of a team Bayside is? I made them Texas Tech at first, but I suppose the offense should be built around AC Slater, star RB. What type of team should I use as a template? I was planning on just sticking in the common characters in the pre-made ratings.
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one minor change... I think Hoover & Miami need to be rivals, so I think those two will replace the mississippi teams.

jthorp, jbolin999 agreed to join the dynasty. Bucknut24 was in before, but backed out when he wasn't going to buy the game. He's since fallen in love with the game and looks to be buying it after all.

1) What team would you want to be? It has to be a team from a movie/tv show (not yet selected). It can be one we don't have here.

2) Do you know any other 360 users that might be interested? We could always put you, b24 & someone else you know in a fourth conference.
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Sure, I really haven't done much with the other rosters like bayside. What kind of an offense do you think they are?


Available teams:
Little Giants, The Simpsons, ESU The Program, Mud Dogs, Screamin Eagles
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I'm basing your team loosely on UCLA. Zach Morris can be Forcier (reasonably mobile), I'll add a more talented AC Slater at LB, and put Mike Rogers at MLB (Bob Golic, the former FB player from the college years episodes).
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redbenn;1498761; said:
i dont feel like reading through 13 pages of stuff :biggrin:... anything i need to do, or when i need to get my ass in gear?
You need to figure out who the major players are for the replacements, what number and skillset they should have.

Also, do you know of anyone who might be interested in joining the dynasty?

We might end up with 11 (planned on 9), and it would work out better if it was an even 12.
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jwinslow;1498767; said:
You need to figure out who the major players are for the replacements, what number and skillset they should have.

Also, do you know of anyone who might be interested in joining the dynasty?

We might end up with 11 (planned on 9), and it would work out better if it was an even 12.
i've never seen the movie :eek:, looks like ill have to netflix it...

if my buddy ever figures out his internet situation, im sure he would be in, but we saw how that turned out last dynasty.

is eobuck having another go?
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redbenn;1498772; said:
i've never seen the movie :eek:, looks like ill have to netflix it...

if my buddy ever figures out his internet situation, im sure he would be in, but we saw how that turned out last dynasty.

is eobuck having another go?
am i making it online, or are you editing it?
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