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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

yup, he's in. If Wells4Heisman ever resurfaces he could be the 12th, but I'm a little wary since he hasn't posted a second time in this thread.

You should have a little time... we're going to wait for the full rosters, as well as discovering any flaws in gameplay.

Just finished up the rosters for TC Williams, they are beyond loaded, but also really tiny. I think they're based on Georgia Tech though, so their home recruiting state will be a little off.
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the easiest way would probably be for you to make one post and then edit it with numbers, names & basic skillsets (fast, iffy hands, good route runner, a bit frail, etc).

The more info you give me, the better your team will be.
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from the wik:
  • Nigel Gruff #3 (K) (Rhys Ifans) ? A Welsh footballer (soccer player) and pub owner, nicknamed "The Leg" because he can kick a soccerball (and later football) the entire length of the playing field. He also has a tendency to smoke on the field and has a crippling gambling addiction. Famous quotes: " Shane Falco number 16 in your programs number 1 in your hearts."
  • Shane Falco #16 (QB) (Keanu Reeves) ? Former Ohio State quarterback whose opportunities in football dried up after he choked during the 1996 Sugar Bowl during his senior year. He was drafted by Seattle, where he was thrown into the pro spotlight with no preparation, when he should have been holding a clipboard. His professional career washed out soon afterwards. Falco was given the nickname "Footsteps" for his nervousness and fear of the blitz and pass rush. He now lives on a boat and earns his living scraping barnacles and other debris off the boats tied at the marina. This character was inspired by original replacement quarterback Ed Rubbert who threw for 334 yards in his debut game (still an NFL record).[citation needed]
  • Walter Cochran #34 (RB) (Troy Winbush) ? A firm believer in the power of the Lord. Cochran played one game in the pros and blew out his knee. A big, bruising running back, his dream has always been to score one touchdown in a professional football game.
  • Earl Wilkinson aka "Ray Smith" #42 (CB) (Michael Jace) ? A former star defensive back/kick returner with Minnesota serving a prison sentence for assaulting a police officer. He's allowed to play with the permission of the governor of Maryland. Wilkinson is given the pseudonym "Ray Smith" and almost no background on him is given to the commentators, likely to prevent public outcry over the recruiting of an incarcerated felon.
  • Daniel "Danny" Bateman #56 (LB) (Jon Favreau) ? A reserved, almost reticent man during normal interaction with people, but when placed in an adversarial situation, goes completely berserk, particularly if he sees the color red. Linebacker and defensive captain. He was a walk-on player at Michigan State and later a Gulf War veteran. Current member of the Washington D.C. SWAT team, he will take down anyone whom he perceives to be his enemy and anyone in the way of his target.
  • Jumbo Fumiko #68 (OT) (Ace Yonamine) ? A Japanese sumo wrestler turned offensive tackle with a passion for food.
  • Jamal Abdul Jackson & Andr? "Action" Jackson #72 & #73 (G) (Faizon Love and Michael Taliferro) ? Brothers and former offensive linemen turned bodyguards for rapper ODB who only seem to excel when they play on the same team.
  • Clifford Franklin #81 (WR) (Orlando Jones) ? A stockboy in a mini-mart who can outrun anyone, but cannot catch anything. He is ecstatic to meet the real professional players until their hostility towards him eventually overcomes his exuberance.
  • Brian Murphy #86 (TE) (David Denman) ? An excellent football player from Gallaudet University who would have been a first round draft pick had he not been born deaf.
sounds like theyre not too good :)
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Merih;1498781; said:
Los Tres Caballeros are back! Welcome home red lol.

I feel as though teams are passing me up...I gotta get in some lab time soon.
i've only just started turning the xbox back on, playing some fifa (cause of the confed cup got my old soccer self excited), so im with ya.
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redbenn;1498780; said:
from the wik:

sounds like theyre not too good :)
Eddie Martel #7 (Brett Cullen) ? Regular first-string quarterback for the Washington Sentinels. Selfish, egotistical and generally a very nasty individual, the despicable Martel dismisses the talents of the replacement players and especially enjoys putting down Shane Falco as the de facto leader of the thug-like regular Sentinels team.
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Jwins, for my alternate home and away jerseys could you do style number 4? Is there any way that I can edit the roster names for my team? For a stadium I think something like Utah State or New Mexico State from the WAC would look good.
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I'm anxious to get this started...

I'm thinking about doing a dynasty report, but I don't know whether to do one with this dynasty...or whether to do one with Ohio State's...any thoughts? Oh and let me know if you don't know what a dynasty report is.
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