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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

Merih;1498798; said:
I'm anxious to get this started...

I'm thinking about doing a dynasty report, but I don't know whether to do one with this dynasty...or whether to do one with Ohio State's...any thoughts? Oh and let me know if you don't know what a dynasty report is.

I think a dynasty report using our league would be cool, but focusing more on the team that you are using.
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CentralMOBuck;1498813; said:
I think a dynasty report using our league would be cool, but focusing more on the team that you are using.

That's what I planned on...a report complete with characters, news conferences, game recaps, recruiting stories, and all that. However, if there are more than a few people wanting to do one then it would kind of flood the gaming forum. What's your thoughts on that jwins...I already started writing up the press conference for Hoover's induction into the SEC.
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We could make our posts during the evening, when traffic is lighter... you could even make a post then with 'coming soon', and then edit it the next day when you have more time. That would be one way to avoid flooding the gaming forum. However, I haven't heard complaints from the current flooding of BP draft, PS3/360 planning/dynasty posts, so we could just try it and do so until we hear complaints.
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Nice work, I like what you did there. I'll especially enjoy reading about the locals throwing shoes and beer bottles at you after losing to your heated rival :evil: I added a little bit of color to break up the text a little bit.

I just realized that our rosters need to be based more on the region. I'm going to maintain the same basic attributes, but want to use the following team rosters to establish a more accurate recruiting base:

Team - Based On - Recruiting Pipeline

TC Titans - UVA - east coast, PA, MD, DE, NJ, VA, NC
Hoover - Miss St - Bama, Miss, GA, FL
Sharks - Ole Miss - general SEC region (not GA tho)

Already done:
Bayside - UCLA

Need to do:
Permian - based on...? TCU? Should probably be a Tx/Ok type pipeline.
Sentinels - maybe a team like Rutgers, east coast but with more north?
Mean Machine - maybe aTm?
Mustangs - a cali team with Ore, NV, AZ roots.

And of course anyone else we add.
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That's going to be a hotly contested area... I think UCLA is there, we have a couple of texas teams, and surely Hoover & others will try and break in there.

I'm seeing 5 texas players on the full Miss St roster, but I don't know how many of those are walkons or guys not included in the game. I'm betting you'll have a texas pipeline after just one year.
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jwinslow;1498896; said:
That's going to be a hotly contested area... I think UCLA is there, we have a couple of texas teams, and surely Hoover & others will try and break in there.

I'm seeing 5 texas players on the full Miss St roster, but I don't know how many of those are walkons or guys not included in the game. I'm betting you'll have a texas pipeline after just one year.

Yea. I'm a damn fantastic recruiter. And you know this man. I wonder what our records were in head to head recruiting battles in the last dynasty?
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