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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

Some other teams that haven't been made:

Gotham Knights

Arlen High School Armadillos (King of the Hill)

Metropolis Meteors (Clark Kent)

Polk High School Panthers - Married… with Children

Ridgemont Wolves

Texas State Armadillos - Necessary Roughness

West Canaan High School Coyotes - Varsity Blues
West Cannan (Varsity Blues)

1st & Ten

  • California Bulls
  • Chicago Huskies
  • Dayton Cougars
  • Houston Stallions
  • Phoenix Warriors
  • Toronto Mustangs
Or for any gaming nerds
Bethesda University Blue Boys


or all around nerds
Starfleet Academy Cadets


stealing this one for bayside.
Ghostbusters University Ghost Riders


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Maybe do some research yourself and from other boards on a good set of sliders to use...

EDIT: also, do you have a suggestion for where to put ESU The Program? They don't have any known location. I was thinking somewhere in PA, maybe philly?
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I thought about putting them north of NY or Boston, but didn't want them to be too far from the real world.

I just now realized that you can control the endzone text color. I've been changing the primary, secondary colors to do so, then having to switch the uniforms around. :bonk:

edit: finding some classic created teams from others, editing the above post
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Most of our teams are b-/b type teams. The titans are an exception to that rule, but once they lose their seniors, they'll be on par with the rest.

What style of play do you want? Powerful rushing? Spread passing? You're going to replace Arkansas either way, so I could use their roster and let you pursue glory with Big Tex :lol:
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Merih;1498995; said:
So who officially are my rivals? And what will be the name of our rivalry?
Miami appears to be your only rival, and we play in a 'rivalry game' (I guess it loses its name when you swap teams out).

You could have another SEC rival that you don't play every year. I had one like that in the ACC dynasty. In the 2009 season though, you don't have any others.

p.s. Simmed it: Miami lost 21-28 @ Hoover. You're fitting in well with the SEC & your home state, given the TWENTY penalties called on Miami totalling 153 yards, compared to three for 15 yards for Hoover. :shake:
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jwinslow;1499004; said:
Most of our teams are b-/b type teams. The titans are an exception to that rule, but once they lose their seniors, they'll be on par with the rest.

What style of play do you want? Powerful rushing? Spread passing? You're going to replace Arkansas either way, so I could use their roster and let you pursue glory with Big Tex :lol:

Lol your funny. I would rather have a spread team. Doesn't really matter to me which roster you use, although i would prefer to have a somewhat mobile quarterback.
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Arkansas has a pretty mobile incoming frosh (Mitchell), and a RS Frosh with some mobility (Youngblood). We'll have to tune in this season to see whether you pull a RR and make Mallett transfer :p
99 DE Lattimer
96 DT Molten
97 DT Shea
98 DE _________

54 LB Elsworth
44 LB Jones
56 LB Mack

36 DB Klopf
25 DB Henderson
11 DB Hendricks
20 DB Clark
Starting D for ESU.
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For my sharks, I went through and watched the whole movie, copying down numbers from plays, matching them up with backs of jerseys from locker room shots.

For yours, I copied (a fuzzy image) from when Lattimer checks the depth chart and sees he's starting (then goes on a rampage around campus).
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