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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

I think its hilarious how the filter blocks out boobie miles, but when you download a team it gives a offensive content warning prior to the DL.

We are going to have to change my stadium. There are Utah State Logos everywhere.

jwinslow;1499216; said:
Indeed. Does Boo Bee make it through the filter on the game?

I really hope one of our last selections is ghostbusters. That uniform could be a lot of fun.

Boo Bee made it in the game. We could always use his real first name though.

Ghostbusters would kick ass as one of our teams!

jwinslow;1499222; said:
I thought I finally found it. Emu's stadium even has the fnl style lights, but the pressbox has the title on it. Its a really close one though, and something you'd only see looking sideways in instant replay.

That is fine with me. Utah State's was plastered all over then endzone walls. In teambuilder they should have created a bunch of generic stadiums for the sole purpose of created teams with banners changing to the teams names.

I want to keep my current roster so far I like the players. BOOOBIE is going to be a beast by the time he's gone. Comer is fast as hell, but he can't accelerate for shit.
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Merih;1499208; said:

Damn...and all I asked for was Texas and Florida...but noooooooo
:rofl: Like I said I'll let the mob vote on whether that's the right fit for Texas-crazed Permian.

It will be interesting to see what a pipeline is like when 10 schools call it their own, not counting any of the traditional powers.
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merged a few posts to cut down on this page...
CentralMOBuck;1499212; said:
I think its hilarious how the filter blocks out boobie miles, but when you download a team it gives a offensive content warning prior to the DL.
Indeed. Does Boo Bee make it through the filter on the game?

I really hope one of our last selections is ghostbusters. That uniform could be a lot of fun.

CentralMOBuck;1499217; said:
We are going to have to change my stadium. There are Utah State Logos everywhere.
There are so many good stadiums with one banner or one title that ruins it. We'll find one.

I thought I finally found it. Emu's stadium even has the fnl style lights, but the pressbox has the title on it. Its a really close one though, and something you'd only see looking sideways in instant replay.

Uab is the new home of the muddogs.

That is fine with me. Utah State's was plastered all over then endzone walls.
Yeah I know what you mean. My sharks played in the Hurricanes Stadium, but you would not notice it except a brief shot of the scoreboard, or their retired jerseys not quite cropped out of the shot. I wanted to put ESU in the eagles stadium, but there are Temple banners everywhere.

Glad you're fine with that, it really does look like Permian.

Looks like I'll have to change it later. Teambuilder is down.
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Jwins..... you mentioned that heisman difficulty might be better, i would have to agree with this. I am currently participating in another OD and we have it set to heisman with 6 min quarters which seems to work very well.

and also what steps do i take to set up my defense?
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jwinslow;1499216; said:
I really hope one of our last selections is ghostbusters. That uniform could be a lot of fun.

Actually, a team we made in college was the Zissou University Jaguar Sharks (Life Aquatic), my buddy may have made them in team builder... I may take that team instead of the Replacements (dont know if I have enough time to get that roster in)... or whatever you think:
search zissou... yukonoclast (username) (he doesnt have any of the roster in, but i know the characters)

or ill take the ghostbusters
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redbenn;1499300; said:
Actually, a team we made in college was the Zissou University Jaguar Sharks (Life Aquatic), my buddy may have made them in team builder... I may take that team instead of the Replacements (dont know if I have enough time to get that roster in)... or whatever you think:
search zissou... yukonoclast (username) (he doesnt have any of the roster in, but i know the characters)

or ill take the ghostbusters

if redbenn switches, i'll take my team back if I rejoin this.
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I thought I'd post my instructions for Joe here for better visibility...

also Joe, let me check the teams, but it might work best to use an existing team from the NE so your pipeline is built in. One sec and I'll set that up for you.
login omitted... PM me if you need it

make the changes yourself, and I'll review them later to make sure your team isn't too dominant
Also make them the right ages... so mack is probably a senior (maybe lattimer too? at least a junior). frosh for darnell.

How old was Joe? Junior maybe? Pocket passer? 89ish?

91 ovr for Budlight. Not sure for flea.

For my team... (any given sunday)

Beamen is a stud (88ish ovr soph), I have some 90 OL I think. Two 90 LBs, and a number of good wrs (TO, Irving Fryar, Sanderson)... but I also have some suspect guys too, OL, DE, DT, DBs
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Joe Kane was a junior, because there was the "Heisman next year" talk after the GT game at the end of the movie. I would assume Kaminski in the same boat. Griffin, Lattimer, Mack all Srs. Ward...i dont know maybe 82 ovr jr? he was a small WR. but big on speed
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