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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

jwinslow;1499040; said:
Arkansas has a pretty mobile incoming frosh (Mitchell), and a RS Frosh with some mobility (Youngblood). We'll have to tune in this season to see whether you pull a RR and make Mallett transfer :pStarting D for ESU.

haha, that will work then. and as for Mallett...I'm glad he's gone
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I think heisman might offer the best gameplay. Just had an epic 38-38 regulation game, and that's with three defensive return tds by Joyner.
I found I was a little too dominant on aa difficulty, but this is vs CPU.

Merih and I are about to try a test dynasty game.
jthorp24;1499124; said:
haha, that will work then. and as for Mallett...I'm glad he's gone

Your offense is finished. I need to tweak your d a bit, and add boucher.
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Jwins, can we just sticky this thread so that it's left at the top?

I've got everything but LBs, DB's and the Kickers named for Permian. I left Chavez at FS though. I follow the mojoland website for the roster for the offense and then just filled in the names not used in a position they might play on d. For example TE = DE, OT = DT.

I don't know how much I am going to like this whole not having TE's though. Is the option attack a spread option or is it a true option(like what Nebraska uses). Having QB's with #'s in the 20's is going to be hard to get used to.

I'm ready to get the ball rolling though and acctually get to playing some games.
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Couple of things...

1) Your Texas team is actually Georgia tech, so you won't have any pipeline to texas. To fix that, you'd need to open up that team in one page, and copy them over in another. Unless you already did this, of course.

2) While this sounds tedious (it is), it would also give you the ability to find a team with actual TEs with a Tx/Ok recruiting base. I know TxTech has this, but I'm not sure how well their personnel would work, numbers wise. Obviously you'd be replacing their names, attributes and ratings with your own squad.
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Hey jwins sorry wifey called...and she's fine as hell so I gotta answer :biggrin:.

But anyway that game felt much more balanced (mind you that was my first game vs a live opponent). Felt much more like real strategizing rather than trying to exploit the comp. Once we get a good set of sliders in this game will last for months upon months. What'd you think of it?

Oh and by the way, Tennessee's playbook is amazing for Pro-Style guys like me.
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Hoover & Miami just faced off. Hoover's pass rush was relentless. True to form, my washed up pocket passer couldn't stay upright long enough to be effective. Gameplay was pretty balanced, there were very few superman moves by the defenders, and they were limited as well (on a screen pass Hoover's LB overran the play, turned on a dime and caught up to the HB heading up field). Very balanced gameplay.

Running the option was good as well. I couldn't run the wing-t formation, but the T-formation worked nicely. At times they guessed right and blew me up in the backfield. Penetration and individual battles upfront changed the running lanes, and stuffed me occasionally, but I was able to dart through some small openings at other times. Of course when they guessed to the wrong sweep, it was wide open sailing to the endzone. I need more reps to tell for sure, but I really like what they did with both the option and defending it.
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I got stopped in the redzone, and went for a fake FG instead of tying it 10-10. They pressured my passer (who took forever to stand up and throw), forced a duck, and ran it back for a TD. I ducked out soon after he went up 24-7 because I wanted to try my playbook.

I was trash with run balanced, but decent with my old faithful balanced playbook. Putting in Steamin Willie Beamen helped as well. I don't think I'll be redshirting him after all.
Hey jwins sorry wifey called...and she's fine as hell so I gotta answer
:rofl: Hopefully you aren't typing this on your phone while :pimp:
But anyway that game felt much more balanced (mind you that was my first game vs a live opponent). Felt much more like real strategizing rather than trying to exploit the comp. Once we get a good set of sliders in this game will last for months upon months.
Agreed, and the called defenses really affected how effective the playcalls were... it was a battle of schemes. I can't lure you into INTs with my speed DE any longer, as he can't cover a WR 10 yards deeper than him anymore.
Oh and by the way, Tennessee's playbook is amazing for Pro-Style guys like me.
Will try that. Maybe it will give me some value for old faithful at QB.
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jwinslow;1499185; said:
Couple of things...

1) Your Texas team is actually Georgia tech, so you won't have any pipeline to texas. To fix that, you'd need to open up that team in one page, and copy them over in another. Unless you already did this, of course.

2) While this sounds tedious (it is), it would also give you the ability to find a team with actual TEs with a Tx/Ok recruiting base. I know TxTech has this, but I'm not sure how well their personnel would work, numbers wise. Obviously you'd be replacing their names, attributes and ratings with your own squad.

How would a team like Okie State fit my teams style of play? I need to change some of my T's and C's to underclassmen as well, otherwise they will all be gone within one year.
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Okie St would probably be pretty good. You'd have to tone down Robinson's passing a little bit... and dial back WR Dez Bryant's ridiculousness, but they often produce athletic TEs. That's a good possibility, see what their overall ratings are.
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:lol: I bet you are :hatepc: I'll let the others chime in on your pipeline. That would help balance out your upperclassmen-heavy roster, though...

I'm also starting to get a better feel for what constitutes a fair roster. When I was first making these I made the big players and then guesstimated how good the rest should be.
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