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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

jwinslow;1500182; said:
That looks good. You've got a nice hidden gem in Eugene Smith (aka Bryan Madison). The team looks very fair, thanks for doing that.

Yea funny thing with Lat is his Str, Tackle and hit power, and power move is retardedly high and for whatever reason it didnt affect his ovr THAT much lol.

I was going to toy with an alt uni but work at 6am comes early.
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My guy, jbolin999 still wants to join, but his XBL has been on the Fritz for a few weeks. If we end up with 10 instead of 12, I think we'll put the extra team in the PAC10.
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No, but I haven't really looked yet. I was thinking over the 10 man league again... what about putting Bayside & GridironGang in the B12 north, & Permian/MeanMachine in the south? That's IF b24 doesn't join, jbolin doesn't get his XBL fixed, and others don't join.
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redbenn;1499300; said:
Actually, a team we made in college was the Zissou University Jaguar Sharks (Life Aquatic), my buddy may have made them in team builder... I may take that team instead of the Replacements (dont know if I have enough time to get that roster in)... or whatever you think:
search zissou... yukonoclast (username) (he doesnt have any of the roster in, but i know the characters)

or ill take the ghostbusters
B24 wants the replacements... let me know if they look good or if you'd like to add other players (which usually means a few more good players).

redbenn send me a PM and I'll send you the login for the teambuilder, then you can create Zissou yourself.
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jwinslow;1500853; said:
B24 wants the replacements... let me know if they look good or if you'd like to add other players (which usually means a few more good players).

redbenn send me a PM and I'll send you the login for the teambuilder, then you can create Zissou yourself.
is it the same login info from before? I can get to it tonight, then if you want to level it out to make me competitive, feel free
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Anyone have any luck finding sliders?

Redbenn, not sure if I sent it to you before. Just try and PM me if it doesn't work.

Are there major problems with those rosters?

Bucknut24 is out. So we'll have a 4 team b12 conf, 2 in each division.
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Hmm, is there any location for the movie? I think you're going to be in the big 12.

If you get bored at work, you could do mean machine for us. Just need the roster additions from the movie.
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