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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

Tweaked the SCLSU defense a bit... made Boucher a bit more human (but still outstanding), and bumped up your pathetic defense. I used the UL Monroe template to give you the right regional recruiting pipelines, but they were far too terrible in comparison to the other teams we've created.

p.s. I think your shoulder patch says 'Big Easy' :wink:
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jwinslow;1502029; said:
my gamertag, ups7. first post.

still need someone to help track down sliders.

Is there a timetable for the patch?

Tonight or early tomorrow morning. I'm tracking sliders and will post them up once they become available for 360 users. Guys over at Utopia Forums are going through slider testing right now.
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redbenn, I tweaked your logo a little to make it cleaner. I also gave you a red hat, which I'm hoping will look good as your team logo in game. You're still using the Zzz logo on the uni. Double check that the uniform didn't get screwed up, I used the logo colors to determine the school colors, and tried to fix everything, but I may have missed something.

Also, base your team on the roster for California, then just adjust the names for whoever you're including in the game. I think that should be a pretty fair team in comparison. Your current 'powerhouse' team is a bit too strong, but you probably didn't pick that specifically.
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Been looking through the teams, and I think we're fairly even. I need to make some adjustments. Some teams need a lil boost, others a little downgrade.

One thing that will be changed is the soph age of the permian stars. When I started these teams, I planned to give us 3 years with our stars, but we've clearly shifted to more accurate ages, at least most of the time. Booby, mike, billingsley and Chavez should be seniors. Permian isn't exactly hurting for backups either.

Looking for feedback: Should bobby boucher be a freshman? If so, his skillset needs to be lowered imo to high 80s overall. I think soph might fit better and about 91-92 ovr.
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# - already on schedule
* - Rivals

OOC Schedule:

Allenville MM: 1 I-AA, 2 Springfield, 3 Gang, 4 Army

Bayside: 2 TC, 3 Ball st, 5 Hoover

ESU: 1 Hoover, 2 CMU, 8 ND#*, 9 Zissou

Hoover: 1 ESU, 5 Hoover, 6 Houston, 7 Army

Kilpatrick Gang: 1 Miami, 3 Allenville

Miami: 1 Kilpatrick, 2 Permian, 7 UAB, 10 MSU

Permian: 1 I-AA, 2 Miami, 3 UCLA#, 4 TC*

SCLSU: 1 Buffalo, 2 WCanaan, 5 Zissou, 11 Troy

Springfield: 1 Cal#, 2 Mean M, 3 WCanaan, 4 Rutgers#

TC: 1 SCar#, 2 Bayside, 3 Akron, 4 Permian*

Zissou: 1 LSU#, h SCLSU, 9 ESU

W Canaan: 1 Air F, 2 SCLSU, 3 Springfield, 4 SMU
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jwinslow;1502085; said:
redbenn, I tweaked your logo a little to make it cleaner. I also gave you a red hat, which I'm hoping will look good as your team logo in game. You're still using the Zzz logo on the uni. Double check that the uniform didn't get screwed up, I used the logo colors to determine the school colors, and tried to fix everything, but I may have missed something.

Also, base your team on the roster for California, then just adjust the names for whoever you're including in the game. I think that should be a pretty fair team in comparison. Your current 'powerhouse' team is a bit too strong, but you probably didn't pick that specifically.
I updated to Cal, didn't know you could base it on teams. Smart move by EA. I put in the names of the few people, and had them make up the rest.

Pele dos Santos for heisman!

(GIMP @ work :) )
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JWINS, what's wrong with having those players as sophomores? Why do I have to be your rival?

Can we have teambuilder auto name the rest of our roster if we don't have real players to fill them?

How fast is this dynasty going to move? Once school gets started up in August I am going to be cramped for time. I think we should have everyone pm someone(I'm fine with doing this) stating the times each day they would be available to play someone. Then the person receiving the PM's could make up a spreadsheet for everyone that is involved showing the times everyone is available.
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Like I said before, we've shifted a bit from our 'make the stars sophs' approach at the beginning. Most of the elder statesmen stars are seniors:

Alvin Mack, Steve Lattimer, Luther Lavay, Champagne (Irving Fryar), Julian Washington, Gerry Bertier, Petey Jones, Frankie Glascoe. I haven't reviewed Zissou yet.

Hoover's team is going to be decimated by graduation.

It's not like Permian is hurting for replacements either.
Can we have teambuilder auto name the rest of our roster if we don't have real players to fill them?
What we need to do is rebuild your team using Texas Tech. What I did for SCLSU was open two teambuilder windows with the same team. In one tab, I set the roster template to UL Monroe (in this case we want TTech I believe, I think they have the Permian style pipeline). I hit random names. Using the roster from the other window, I copied over all of the players manually, one by one, names, height, ratings, etc. It's tedious, but it gives you a more accurate team for your program.
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I'm trying to balance out these rosters somewhat, so we don't have any poor or ridiculous teams, particularly with the progression issues listed for this game. Overall, I get the impression that this dynasty will be about wins and losses more than recruiting. It is too bad that it's not more complete, but it's not a dealbreaker.
I updated to Cal, didn't know you could base it on teams. Smart move by EA. I put in the names of the few people, and had them make up the rest.
Thanks. We might have to tweak your team a little bit to make it even with the weaker schools, but that's a good start.
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Feel free to give me feedback guys, this is a work in progress.

I bumped Boucher down to an 89 ovr instead of 96. He's a little outrageous, but the rest of his team is so so. They got an overall bump up though from their C range rating, I believe.

TxTech will not work, they don't have any FBs. Perhaps aTm would be a good alternative for your base roster.
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