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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

Should we start every team out at 4*?

This is a good fit for the gridiron gang, since they might pull in troubled kids from these states:
Oregon St - CA 24, OR 17, HI 6, AZ 4, WA 4

Permian will be based on:
Texas Tech - TX 42, OK 3

Mean Machine:
Texas A&M - TX 51, LA 5

Maryland - MD 16, VA 9, NJ 8, NC 5, FL 4, GA 4
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jwinslow;1498886; said:
use the following team rosters to establish a more accurate recruiting base:

Team - Based On - Recruiting Pipeline

Hoover - Miss St - Bama, Miss, GA, FL
jwinslow;1498908; said:
Merih;1498906; said:
Wait...does anybody smell that...its kinda like...jealousy? :biggrin:

I hear Montana has a very exclusive set of pipeline states.
Don't mistake threats for mistakes.
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BuckNutJoeHall;1498917; said:
Jwins you still need anyone?

We had 8 users, then we added:
9. jthorp - muddogs
10. joehall - _______ ?

and two possible additions:
11. jbolin999 - ________ ?
12. bucknut24 - ________ ?

If we stick with 10, I might just give the pac10 an extra team. If we get up to 12, I'll move three of you newcomers into one division of the ACC. If we have an ACC set, I might move the Titans there and bring the muddogs to the SEC.

What team do you want joe? See the first page, below the teams/divisions, for the available teams. The muddogs just got selected.
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Nice. I thought they'd be a more attractive team, but I guess no one wants steroids and improper benefits on their side. They'd make a perfect ACC team imo.

I just worked on the muddogs team.

1) They're based on UL Monroe, with TX, MS, LA & AL pipelines.
2) Their roster is not correct. Ignore that for now.
3) Syracuse's uniforms worked well with the uniform design. The ones mimicking the movie were too hideous. Let me know if the big east logo bothers you (should be impossible to see while playing), and I can recreate it in teambuilder, though it will lose the nike swoosh and some of the crispness.
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Assuming I move the titans to the ACC, you'll have a challenge on your hands with those mighty midgets.

I created ESU awhile ago, but the roster is barely done if at all.
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jwinslow;1498942; said:
Assuming I move the titans to the ACC, you'll have a challenge on your hands with those mighty midgets.

I created ESU awhile ago, but the roster is barely done if at all.

That leaves a hole in the SEC...doesn't leave a whole lot of a mountain for me and you to climb to get to the top of the conference.
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Here is my proposal for the conference re-alignment...

jbolin999 & Bucknut24 (assuming both join) can each take one of the open spots
jwinslow;1474555; said:
Team Selections for Movie/TV dynasty:

Bayside - Stanford ........................ osustamm | osustamm
Mustangs - WSU ........................... cassidy28 | ZI PRIMETIME IZ
_______ - _______ ......................... _______ | _______

Big 12 - North
Permian - Kansas .......................... CentralMoBuck | wakeboarderDave
Mean Machine - Iowa St ................ eobuck | TheStatician
____________ - Colorado .............. _______ | _______

SEC - West
Hoover - Miss .............................. Merih | Ambasa10
Sharks - Miss St ........................... jwinslow | ups7
Muddogs - Arkansas ...................... jthorp24 |

ACC - Atlantic
TC Titans - NC State ../.................. GomerBucks | GomerBucks
The Program - Boston College......... BuckNutJoeHall
Sentinels - Maryland ..................... redbenn | redbenn25

Available teams:
Little Giants, The Simpsons, Screamin Eagles

Feel free to offer up your own suggestions
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