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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

Sorry fellas, but as of now I am unable to participate in the league like I had hoped to. Perhaps in the future, if someone needs a replacement I can get involved, but right now is not a good time. Sorry guys.
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Merih;1498109; said:
No such thing...but I will take your word for it jwins. So are we gonna wait to start this up? Like wait until the named rosters come out?

I think we are going to wait until we get all the minor details worked out(sliders, penalties, rostes, etc) and give people some time to play the game a bit before we jump into the dynasty. It sounds like there are a lot of bugs out there right now anyway(rosters and teambuilder naming mainly).
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Boobie Miles first name is not working. I've got a few adjustments I would like to make to the Permian Panters Unis, I'll let you know what they are when I have time. Other than that what we have so far is great. Are we going to auto name the rest of the rosters?
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Colossal fail from EA:

In order for your custom logos to display:

After you download the teams, you have to be connected every time you load the team into Play Now or Dynasty. After the logo is verified, I think you can disconnect.

If you are not connected, you can still use the team, but custom logos will be replaced with the EA logo.

I know, it's ridiculous.

Basically, in order to use the custom logos you have to be connected to the internet before the game starts. It doesn't pose a problem for us, per se, because our xboxs are connected at all times for the most part, but for someone who just wanted to make a team and download it once and play with it from their hard drive, no go.
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Had to work today, but did notice that the numbered helmet I made for the titans wasn't working right. It was my alternate helmet, but it stick the primary helmet logo behind the numbers. I edited the uniform to just be bama's full uniform.

The endzone text is a little disappointing, very pixelated, particularly with italic text.

I scrapped my blue turf. It was really bland and dirty.

I was pleasantly surprised by the size of the helmet logos. On the TB site the logo was only about half as wide as the helmet, which made many logos pretty small, like my long shark. But the width is much wider in the game, which is nice.
CentralMOBuck;1498176; said:
Boobie Miles first name is not working. I've got a few adjustments I would like to make to the Permian Panters Unis, I'll let you know what they are when I have time. Other than that what we have so far is great. Are we going to auto name the rest of the rosters?

Yeah I saw that. b00bie got past the team builder filter, I guess they picked it up in game.

I don't think I finished the full permian roster. I will auto name any other players for all teams.

The crowd looks awesome with all black. I might try to find a stadium with a less recognizeable endzone building. The P on the field and mojo nickname on the scoreboard looks good.

The alternate unis were just thrown together. Let me know what you want there. You could make it on your teambuilder and I could copy it. I think the primary uniforms are accurate.

Also, when we tweak the custom teams, you can go to manage my teams and check for an updated version.
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jwinslow;1498364; said:
Yeah I saw that. b00bie got past the team builder filter, I guess they picked it up in game.

I don't think I finished the full permian roster. I will auto name any other players for all teams.

The crowd looks awesome with all black. I might try to find a stadium with a less recognizeable endzone building. The P on the field and mojo nickname on the scoreboard looks good.

The alternate unis were just thrown together. Let me know what you want there. You could make it on your teambuilder and I could copy it. I think the primary uniforms are accurate.

Also, when we tweak the custom teams, you can go to manage my teams and check for an updated version.

The all black unis and helmets looked bad ass. Should we edit Comer to have white shoes or tape? Wasn't he the one that got made fun of for having white shoes in the movie?
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