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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

Good call.

merih, you're going to have to figure out the roster/ratings for your team... I don't know much about hoover.
Merih;1487881; said:
:eek: I completely forgot about stadium sounds...hold your horses though jwins. Stadiums sounds cannot be applied to teambuilder teams directly. You will only hear the sound if you select "all teams" in the stadium sounds menu. Straight from the mouth of a developer. No word on if that is going to be addressed in the patch.

I want a Titans team
ah, well then I guess we'll hold off on that.
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Before, we were planning to have 4 teams in 3 divisions. Now we only have three, which means the B12 & SEC conferences will be unbalanced. We have two options:

1) Put everyone in one division of the conference, as we have it now.
2) Get another new user to join once conference, Wells4Heisman in the other.

I like #1. #2 could lead to 3 regular season user games, plus one in the CCG. Meanwhile the pac 10 champ would only have to win half as many user games (2) to make the BCS.

Bayside - Stanford ............... osustamm | osustamm
Mustangs - WSU .................. cassidy28 | ZI PRIMETIME IZ
Sentinels - Arizona .............. redbenn | redbenn25
USC, Cal, Ore, etc.

Big 12 - North
Permian - Colorado ............... CentralMoBuck | wakeboarderDave
Mean Machine - Iowa St ....... eobuck | TheStatician
Little Giants - Kansas ........... BuckeyeMac | SwankyMac
Kansas St

SEC - West
Hoover - Arkansas ................ Merih | Ambasa10
GomerBucks - Miss .............. GomerBucks | GomerBucks
Sharks - Miss St .................. jwinslow | ups7
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Okay it's kind of weird because some of the players are currently playing football in the SEC...so should I avoid those players and do an "All-Time" team?

Here is what I've got so far:
John Parker Wilson - 6'2", 195, 4.62: Good THA and AWR, Okay THP (SENIOR)
90 ovr, 74 spd, 87 thp, 91 tha. NCAA09 had him at 89 thp, 87 tha. I think my rating was a bit more accurate.
Ross Wilson - 5'11", 185, 4.65: All ratings a few points below JPW (JUNIOR)
82 ovr, 78 spd, 83/85 agi/acc, 84 thp, 83 tha. good athlete, quick, just not fast.
Jarod Bryant - 5'10", 185, 4.4: Speed back (JUNIOR)
4.4 = 87 spd. I'll use NCAA09's ratings. 73 ovr, 89 spd, 89/88 agi/acc, shifty not strong.

Chad Jackson - 6'1", 196, 4.38: Best player out of Alabama in his year and a 5 star recruit (currently in NFL) (SENIOR)
used his 4.32 40 time after UF.
Brandon Clear - 6'5", 210, 4.50: Possession receiver (JUNIOR)
Cornelius Williams - 6'3", 195, balanced wide out (SENIOR)
Charlie Zorn - make him just like B-Hartline (SENIOR)

Not a soul

Not a soul (not a good sign)

Patrick Crump - 6'5", 280 (JUNIOR)

Ryan Pugh - 6'3", 295, 5.2, best player out of Alabama his year (SOPHOMORE)

Byron Clear - 6'6", 250, 4.57, speed rusher from TV show (JUNIOR)
80 spd, 92 finesse move, 85 hit power.
Repete Smith - 6'7", 265, 4.7, balanced rusher from TV show (SENIOR)
Mark McCarty - 6'3", 225, ??? ______________________ ??? (JUNIOR)

Kerry Murphy - 6'5", 315, 5,1, immovable object (JUNIOR)
Josh Chapman - 6'1", 290, 4.9, pass rusher type (JUNIOR)

Alex Binder - 6'2", 235, 4.7, steady balanced from TV show (SENIOR)
A few random players you can make up

Curtis Dawson - 6'1", 255, 4.7 balanced big hitter (SENIOR)
Michael Dejohn - 6'0, 235, 4.8 all heart no talent from TV show (JUNIOR)

LaBrose Hedgemon - 5'10", 185, 4.41 speed shut down corner (JUNIOR)
Jahi Word-Daniels - 5'11", 180, 4.47 balanced (SENIOR)
Pat Miller - 5'10", 175, 4.47 balanced TV show (JUNIOR)

Joel Caldwell - 6'1", 195, 4.42, Coleman type SS (JUNIOR)
Max Lerner - 6'1", 190, 4.5, crappy FS from TV show (he can't catch for [censored] - - like a 72 rating) (SENIOR)

lol and I found a Punter!
Jordan Means - 6'3", 195, Power punter (SOPHOMORE)

These are all former players, I would feel weird going into the current player listings so I'm thinking that you make up names and fill out the rest of the squad. I want a senior laden team that will experience a ton of turnover in year 2; it's a part of a storyline that I"m thinking up for this OD.
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If you want to save yourself the work, you could always switch to the Simpsons or someone else. The Program is definitely an SEC style team and would be a lot better than hoover, but you might be looking to build up a team isntead.
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I'm definitely trying to build up a team as opposed to starting off at the top. Plus I like they're jerseys.

Ryan Pugh was a freshman all america in '07 at Auburn. Byron and Brandon Clear both redshirted and will have to wait in the wings before getting PT at Clemson. Cornelius Wlliams is a steady performer at Troy. Most of the others are just walkons at Alabama...Hoover is an Alabama farm school.

I actually ended up adding them into the listing I posted so all the Hoover players that I could find enough info about and all the ones that were primed on the TV show are in that listing above.
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That seems like a solid but not great team. (like you're looking for) We'll go with that, thanks.

I foresee many fly routes for chad. Too bad he still won't be more than message board hype in the NFL :p
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I've changed my mind a bit on ages (originally all of the key players would be no older than juniors) and now think we should keep it as accurate as possible. A team like Permian or the Titans would be decimated by departees, but those programs would also have backups.

The hoover team is on my teambuilder with everything but the roster.
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