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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

makes it so that your strategy and stick skills are on the test as opposed to computer abuse.
Definitely. That backup QB denied my DE the sack record three different times as he slithered out of there.
Jwins can you post up the "final" slider settings so the rest of the guys can practice with them a bit. Oh and so the PS3 guys can steal them from us?
Sure. Would it be easier if I started a new thread, kept it locked until we start (tomorrow I think), and use that one for all the teams, sliders, placeholders for awards, records, etc.??
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Yeah, then we could track progression of teams after 2 years (who got better/worse). Well, except for me, I'm going to get decimated by graduations anyway so recruiting is going to be vital. If redbenn steals another 5-star qb from me this year, I'm going to go apeshit.
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Just played Permian(me) vs TC.

Score 28 - 20 TC(real score 42 - 20). I couldn't get a score from the red zone to save my life(neither could TC), especially when I needed it the most. I went four and out with about 5 minutes left to play. TC responds by marching down the field and scoring. So on the next two of my drives my team decided they didn't want to hang onto the ball(both went turned into scores). So outside of the final 3 minutes I had a good game going.

Running the ball worked well for me. The only thing I dislike about the flexbone offense is the passing plays. Most of them were PA passes and after running all game (60 rushes vs 12 passes) I was still sacked 6 times. I still think I need to get some more games under my belt and then I will be fine(even though most user teams are probably going to kill me!).

Winchell (QB) - 2-12 for 25yds, 76 yds rushing, 2.7 ypc
Miles - 62 yds 4.7 ypc
Billingsley - 53 yds 4.8 ypc
Comer - 22 yds, 5.5 ypc
Scoring Plays - returned a kick for a TD, returned fumble for TD, 2 FG's

TC Williams
Harris 21-32 294 yds 3 tds 1 int
Glascoe 21 yds, 1.9 ypc
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I'm hoping to have the dynasty online this evening with invites sent out. Then we'll have until sunday 10 PM ET (typical advancing time) to complete preseason duties. I'll handle scheduling, so you'll just have to target recruits & redshirt players. Depth chart can always been done in week 1 if need be.

If we're done earlier, I'll advance us then. We will then be advancing every Wed/Sun at 10 PM ET, so you'll have till this coming wednesday to get your week 1 games in (some user games).

Once it is online, we will be transitioning to the other thread, which is currently locked.
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Merih;1503541; said:
And hopefully I'll give him the same ass-whooping as last year then too.

I wonder how long its going to take for him to read this :lol:
16hrs... haha.... i still havent taken the game out of the box yet... i need to do that... busy looking at places the past week or so... i think im gonna break it out after work, and get ready for the season
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redbenn;1503844; said:
16hrs... haha.... i still havent taken the game out of the box yet... i need to do that... busy looking at places the past week or so... i think im gonna break it out after work, and get ready for the season

Cool beans...make sure you play it with the sliders that we posted in the main thread so you can get used to them. It makes the game play alot better.

And I was only half-kidding about that other stuff I said.
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Merih;1503850; said:
Cool beans...make sure you play it with the sliders that we posted in the main thread so you can get used to them. It makes the game play alot better.

And I was only half-kidding about that other stuff I said.

I've not played a game yet myself. I downloaded rosters, set up my stadium sounds, and built my team on teambuilder. I did try out a game in Road to Glory but that is as far as I've gotten. I've gotta find a way to get some gaming time but I feel bad playing video games while fianc? sits there with nothing to do bored out of her mind watching me curse the tv.
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