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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

Right. Scheduling it manually we ended up with 11 teams playing 2 OOC opponents and 1 team playing none. I'm not entirely sure how that's possible, but that's what I have listed. I'm going to double check the schedule to see if I had any typos.
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Merih;1504059; said:
Worst comes to worst I'll play 5...I can see it now...Hoover's Inaugural Nationwide Football Tour!
You probably won't have to do that, but jwins might have to shift everyone's schedule. jwins, conference schedules are static (obviously). You might just have to find out what everyone's open dates are and start matching them up with whomever is available. Do the Pac-10 first, since they only have five weeks that aren't conference games. Everyone else will have 6 or more weeks to work with.
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jwinslow;1504061; said:
In theory, shouldn't I be able to schedule 2 (and only two) OOC matchups for each of the 12 teams?
No, think of the Big Ten "rivalry" setup. all 11 teams have exactly 2 teams that are their designated rivals. If you look at it, it's done in two blocks of 4 and one block of 3. Michigan plays Ohio State who plays Penn State who plays Michigan State who plays Michigan. Illinois, Indiana, Purdue, Northwestern is the other block of 4 and Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota are the block of 3. Something similar to that is what happened to your OOCs.
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Open weeks:

AL 1, 2, 3, 4, 13
Bay 2, 3, 9, 13, 14
ESU 1, 2, 8, 9, 10
Hoov 1, 5, 6, 7, 10
Kilp 2, 3, 7, 9
Mia 1, 2, 3, 7, 10
Perm 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
SCLSU 1, 2, 5, 9, 11
Spring 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
TC 1, 2, 3, 4, 8
Zis 1, 2, 5, 9, 12
WC 1, 2, 3, 4, 13
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IronBuckI;1504066; said:
No, think of the Big Ten "rivalry" setup. all 11 teams have exactly 2 teams that are their designated rivals. If you look at it, it's done in two blocks of 4 and one block of 3. Michigan plays Ohio State who plays Penn State who plays Michigan State who plays Michigan. Illinois, Indiana, Purdue, Northwestern is the other block of 4 and Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota are the block of 3. Something similar to that is what happened to your OOCs.
Thanks, that's why I included math in my feedback request.

If that's the case, then do I make a handful of teams only play 3 OOC games, a few of which I add a 4th vs Kilpatrick?
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jwinslow;1504070; said:
Thanks, that's why I included math in my feedback request.

If that's the case, then do I make a handful of teams only play 3 OOC games, a few of which I add a 4th vs Kilpatrick?
I don't think you'll have to. It looks like you have enough open weeks to schedule everyone 2 OOCs. Let me stare at your open weeks post a little while longer, and I might come up with something. :biggrin:
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Do you have a spreadsheet viewer on that PC? Here's a spreadsheet of it:

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so apparently I needed to talk this out to start doing this logically... unless you see an easy tweak to the existing schedule, I think I'm going to remap it this way. I just did it all manually in game before.
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jwinslow;1504078; said:
so apparently I needed to talk this out to start doing this logically... unless you see an easy tweak to the existing schedule, I think I'm going to remap it this way. I just did it all manually in game before.
I think that I've got it...give me a second to make sure.
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