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360 NCAA10 Movie dynasty (planning)

TJnTN;1503949; said:
I've not played a game yet myself. I downloaded rosters, set up my stadium sounds, and built my team on teambuilder. I did try out a game in Road to Glory but that is as far as I've gotten. I've gotta find a way to get some gaming time but I feel bad playing video games while fianc? sits there with nothing to do bored out of her mind watching me curse the tv.

Yea I will know your pain soon enough...me and my girl just had our second anniversary which means I've passed the point of no return.

But still, like Jwins said, get a small POS tv...........and let her use it. :lol:
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If your 360 has an HDMI out, a lot of recent monitors will accept that input. If you don't have an HDMI cable, buy it on meritline or monoprice for $5-10 or less. Do not buy the overpriced garbage at Best Buy.
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My current setup for my PS3 is this:

HDMI to DVI cable that plugs into a 22" monitor.
Tritton AXPRO surround sound headphones hooked to the optical audio out.

It plays exponentially better than having the PS3 on the pos TVs in our house, and doesn't monopolize the good TV either. Before I got the headphones, I had the audio running out of the analog output to a cheap little mini-system.

Like jwins said, you can buy a monitor that has only HDMI and D-Sub ports, with no tuner, for much less than a flat screen TV that's the same size. Alot of those come with small speakers attached too.
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Merih;1503955; said:
Yea I will know your pain soon enough...me and my girl just had our second anniversary which means I've passed the point of no return.

But still, like Jwins said, get a small POS tv...........and let her use it. :lol:

yeah we had been together for 3 years....i just proposed 2 weeks ago in Austin, TX. =)
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The teams are finalized, I'm working on the new OOC schedule (it randomizes the locked scheduled dates apparently).
Like jwins said, you can buy a monitor that has only HDMI and D-Sub ports, with no tuner, for much less than a flat screen TV that's the same size. Alot of those come with small speakers attached too.
It's also a good way to watch football if you want to watch 2-3 games in one day (like new years).
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jwinslow;1504005; said:
It's also a good way to watch football if you want to watch 2-3 games in one day (like new years).
Yes. My PS3 monitor is also the secondary monitor for my PC. Using two browsers and ESPN 360, I've got one game on one monitor using IE, another game on the other monitor using Mozilla, and channel surfing through games on Columbus basic cable on my 15 year old Sony Trinitron.

EDIT: You said 2-3 in the same day. I thought that you meant at the same time...like every Saturday. :biggrin:
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IronBuckI;1504009; said:
Yes. My PS3 monitor is also the secondary monitor for my PC. Using two browsers and ESPN 360, I've got one game on one monitor using IE, another game on the other monitor using Mozilla, and channel surfing through games on Columbus basic cable on my 15 year old Sony Trinitron.

EDIT: You said 2-3 in the same day. I thought that you meant at the same time...like every Saturday. :biggrin:


When I move into my new apartment I'll have to implement this setup. September 4th be prepared for a barrage of PMs
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jwinslow;1504017; said:
:lol: True, I'm usually not at home for that greatness on saturdays. But come december and bowl season, definitely.
I won't either. I can't imagine the fiance being ok with me soaking up endless hours every Saturday when we've got to get a wedding planned by May. The reality is that I don't have to be there for the planning, because I'm just the tie breaker between the voices in her head, but I should be there nodding my head and looking for signs that she's about to crack anyway. :biggrin:
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We'll go live as soon as Merih gets home and hops on. For some reason, the test dynasty we created (to play with custom teams, test sliders, etc) is inaccessible to me. When I go to continue dynasty, it says the dynasty servers are unavailable. Had the same problem yesterday, but Merih was able to invite me into a game. I guess we'll have to do that again (good thing I threw out the results from the finished game, or we'd be screwed), and then I'll retire from the dynasty from there.
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Everyone will have until sunday night to redshirt players, set their depth chart and target recruits (which technically you could do after Sunday). Obviously if we finish early, we'll advance sooner. I think most if not all know we're about to start.

I'm going to send out a mass PM to everyone in a little bit.
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alright, the schedule is finished, but has one big problem... Kilpatrick ended up with zero OOC matchups. Everyone else has 2 OOC, 2 in conf. Kilpatrick used to have 1 OOC, but during scheduling ESU ended up with 3 OOC, and I removed that one.

Anyone have a good suggestion for how to fix it? It's posted.
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